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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

On 1/6/2015 sophiamarie said:
On 1/6/2015 greamy said: I think the nosy guy is also gay and trying to flirt with Paul.


OTOH, I can't stand Melanie. She is sooooooo dramatic and hugs like a monkey. There is something very obnoxious about her.

Also, wasn't today supposed to be NY Day???? So, how come all the important people i.e., Maxine, Dr. Dan, Theresa, Melanie were all working. Usually there is a skeleton staff at a hospital on a Holiday. Well, except Univ. hosp in Salem, that is. Oh and didn't Maxine say that Anne called in sick? So, she would have been there too....

Why did Maggie have to have Mel's Christmas gift sent to her at the hospital??? Doesn't she see enough of her at home?


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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

On 1/8/2015 grandpaRM said:
On 1/7/2015 gardensla said:

Chad is actually growing on me--the actor I mean. He's got that evil DiMera twinkle in his baby blues.

I'm guessing the only reason for the stalker/bellboy is to spill the beans at some point to Will about Sonny or Sonny about Will? In any case, of all them, Sonny is the only one I care about at all. He's such a good guy and has trouble coming at him from all sides. Why is Chad turning on him, anyway?

As for Melanie, there's no enough Botox on Earth to undo the furrows between her eyebrows. Since furrowing her brow is her only means of communicating, best that she abstains. Jordan's grimace and Melanie's squint. Now there some great acting for you.

Finally, may I say how happy I am that Rafe has been set free for now and that Victor is back on the canvas!

I am already sick of Melanie, I think her acting now is even worse than before she over the top just to say 1 line....and I agree about everything you said.

NOW, Paul and Will today......gag, gag, gag, and more gag.......I wish they would fall off the cliff.....can't stand either one of them.....

I am glad Nicole and Dan will get together, just hope it doesn't break them up in real life.

I always thought Rafe and Hope should get together...time will tell..... I love Victor, he's funny....

I really wish Sonny would find a great guy....not Paul or Will..

Are Nicole and Dan dating in RL? Wow!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Didn't know Kyle had cheated {#emotions_dlg.mad}and they divorced. Hope she finds happiness.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

yes...Ari and Shawn are an item in RL
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

On 1/9/2015 MamaWick said: yes...Ari and Shawn are an item in RL

Thank you , MamaWick. I hadn't heard. Hope they have much happiness . Smile

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

On 1/9/2015 Shelbelle said:
On 1/9/2015 ccassaday said: I so wanted sonny to catch will and Paul in the act. Will is really a horrible person.

Grandma Marlena would be so ashamed of him, but then again she was found on the Titan conference room table with John Black, while married to Roman.

What Marlena did with John was wrong, after all it was adultery, but at least she was in love with John. Will's behavior is more outrageous because it was just s#x with someone he barely knows.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

If anything, Will being with Paul with zip resistance after no real lead-up aside of taking about being gay for a short time is out-of-character for Will. He'd only been with two people at that point and was in relationships with both as far as I can remember. Both with these two and with Eve and JJ I think there should've been some sort of build-up, not 20 minutes of compassion or support that leads to the bedroom.

LOL on Mel hugging like a monkey! I always thought she hugged weird too!

I second Hope and Rafe, been thinking this since shortly after Bo left! Boy, those two would look so good together!

My biggest problem with Chad is he's nothing like the old Chad. If he was a new son of Stephano's or a nephew I'd be totally fine with him, but here comes "Chad" dressing completely different, being horrible to his best friends, and acting nothing like his kick-back character who was cautious of the DiMeras. Instead of removing a bullet I'm wondering if Stephano did something with his brain!

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

Yes, he is nothing like the real Chad! When EJ comes back (just speculating) he'll certainly look and act differently, and I will be sorry he returned!

As far as Will, Paul, etc. I'm sure the nosy guy will comfort Sonny, if necessary! Gag!

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

Speaking of the other Chad, Casey has a new prime time show. I can't remember the name right now, but the actress in it was on Access Hollywood the other day.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

I dont think Casey would be able to pull the Nu Chad off, he was too nice. Melanie'a acting is so over the top, I never liked her before, still dont. Whoever is directing these days needs to tell her to tone it down.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please, week of 01/05/2015

now that sami is gone... the biggest bit***s in salem are nicole & theresa, love them.. great actresses, and i cant wait for kristen to come back.. love her