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A little shocked at who went home last night! Although after all of these years, I shouldn't be.....It should have been Drew, but he must have a heck of a fan base.......Felt very sorry for Victoria-she was very good, but I think it was hard to get to know her. You knew what she went through, but you didn't really know anything else about her personally.....I think it will come down to Jordan and Lindsey for the final 2....It has been a good season though, looking forward to next week..... 

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry didn't see the other thread........

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

Drew should have been the one to go.  He should have been gone weeks ago.  He thinks he's so good too.  UGH


I felt bad for Victoria.  I think she was caught off guard.


Is there an elimination Monday night?  Drew should not be in the Final 3.  Jordan is my pick to win!

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, my pick from pretty much the start has been Jordan and Lindsay.


Lindsay is going for her first trophy. All the remaining professionals dancers have one.


I really enjoyed the dances from last night's show.


Drew has been trying but others were better. That is the way this show goes though.


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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

I wish the judges scores counted for more than the fan's scores. Although I didn't think Drew deserved all those 8's. He was stiff and had bad form. I don't get the appeal of him or his brother, at all. Is Drew the casual clothes twin or the dressed up twin? That's stupid, too IMO. Ha ha.

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

@Bri36 wrote:

Drew should have been the one to go.  He should have been gone weeks ago.  He thinks he's so good too.  UGH


I felt bad for Victoria.  I think she was caught off guard.


Is there an elimination Monday night?  Drew should not be in the Final 3.  Jordan is my pick to win!

@Bri36, If I remember correctly a couple will be eliminated Monday night, then in the first hour on Tuesday another couple will be eliminated leaving the final two.  I could be completely wrong, but I think this is how it goes.

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

I am so frustrated that Drew is still there.  He should have been gone weeks ago.  I would never have thought the Property Brothers would have such a fan base.  I can really like someone, but I would never continue voting for them if they weren't a good dancer.  It wouldn't surprise me if Drew wins, which would be completely ridiculous.  I have never enjoyed watching Drew dance.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

@Wsmom, that sounds right.   I hope Drew will be eliminated Monday 


I’ve been saying that for weeks.   Lol.  


Seeing him shirtless last night was not pleasant.  

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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

@NickNack Not a fan of Drew either.  He should have never gotten this far.  His dancing last night was not at all good, especially the first dance, yet the judges gave him 8's.  What the heck were they thinking?  I wonder how much weight their scoring has and how it's calculated with the fan voting numbers.


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Re: DWTS-11/13-SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!

@chlema wrote:

@NickNack Not a fan of Drew either.  He should have never gotten this far.  His dancing last night was not at all good, especially the first dance, yet the judges gave him 8's.  What the heck were they thinking?  I wonder how much weight their scoring has and how it's calculated with the fan voting numbers.


@chlema  I think Emma was surprised they got 8's, too.  They definitely didn't deserve them.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau