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Regarding Andrea continuing to see Cosby, I've learned it is not that uncommon for some victims to continue relationships with the perpetrator.  They may still feel a closeness to the perpetrator, yet hate what happened to them.  They might also continue the relationship as a way to regain control or to try to have a feeling of normalcy again.  


People handle trauma in different ways.


I've also learned the perpetrator can try to maintain the "non-abusive" aspect of the relationship as a way to keep their victims feeling close to them, and less likely to report the crime.  I wouldn't be surprised if Cosby did this to many of this victims. 

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@occasionalrain wrote:

The fact that she sued him proves she wanted money. That he settled does not prove guilt only a desire to avoid litigation. 


That the scenario was the same only means that, when it comes to sx, Cosby is unimaginative and boring.


This was nothing more than sx and drugs not unusual or surprising. She was an adult who took drugs that were offered to her and continued seeing him privately. If what happened was so traumatizing to her why did she go back for more? Sane people avoid unpleasant situations if possible, they don't seek them.

You are continuing to ignore the fact that other women  - MANY other women - have come forward.  Some took drugs from him believing they were something else because he lied to them, others didn't voluntarily take any drugs from him at all.  He drugged and raped women without their consent.  He forced himself on women in dressing rooms (theirs, not his, and he showed up uninvited).  It goes very far beyond this one woman.


And let's not forget (or maybe you're not aware) that other women have come forward also who were not raped by him, but were grabbed and fondled without consent.  These women were strangers.  They didn't know him and he didn't know them, but yet he felt he had the right to grab them, their clothing, and their private parts.  No woman sitting on an airplane should have to be in fear that the man next to her will decide to put his hand up her skirt or on her breast.  A man who behaves that way is disgusting, and it is assault.  By no stretch of the imagination is that ever the woman's fault.  


I SAW the way he treated women when I worked with him.  I know firsthand how he leered at women, grabbed them, called them derogatory names, and laughed at them.  I observed with my own eyes the way he treated women as though they were property, and nothing more than playthings to do with as he pleased.  I know that he believed he was entitled to have anything he wanted.


Many, many people in this country file lawsuits, and it has nothing to do with wanting money.  This is not about money, and this is not about simple sex and drugs.  This is about rape and assault.  And it's about women speaking up and saying that what he did was not okay.  


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I'm not a fan of his, agree that he is disgusting, never liked him, never thought him amusing.


I can believe he behaved inappropriately with women.


I don't believe this woman. 

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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

@I like celery wrote:

Regarding Andrea continuing to see Cosby, I've learned it is not that uncommon for some victims to continue relationships with the perpetrator.  They may still feel a closeness to the perpetrator, yet hate what happened to them.  They might also continue the relationship as a way to regain control or to try to have a feeling of normalcy again.  


People handle trauma in different ways.


I've also learned the perpetrator can try to maintain the "non-abusive" aspect of the relationship as a way to keep their victims feeling close to them, and less likely to report the crime.  I wouldn't be surprised if Cosby did this to many of this victims. 



You make a good point about victims still seeing their rapist.   The victim in this trial worked for Temple and Cosby was a huge supporter of Temple.    There was another very notorious case in Philadelphia, the serial rapist "Dr" Jeffrey Marsalis.  I don't want to tell the entire story here, you can google it.   It was another case difficult to prosecute because after the rape, some of the women later had consentual sex with the rapist.    The psychology of why women do this was not allowed as evidence in the trial.    The prosecution had expert testimony but the judge would not allow it.    When women are with someone they trust or look up to, they are more likely to be so in shock by the event, the fact that someone they trusted would do this to them, they find it hard to let it go or to even report it.    And often they even confront their rapist after the fact.


And the fact that women "come out of the woodwork" when 1 women cries rape is also common.   If the woman never reported the rape, but hear of other women who were in the same situation and were raped by the same man, they are more likely to come forward.   That doesn't make them golddiggers, or just looking for attention.


I never would want any man to be convicted of a rape he didn't commit but some of the thinking in a courtroom is very archaic.   What you believe in your mind of what "should" have happened or how a woman "should" have acted and re-acted is not always reality.


These serial rapists fly under the radar & their behavior is repeated over and over because they know how to manipulate their victims.  Plus they are always upstanding member of society.     

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@occasionalrain wrote:

I'm not a fan of his, agree that he is disgusting, never liked him, never thought him amusing.


I can believe he behaved inappropriately with women.


I don't believe this woman. 



So what are you saying .... that you think this gay woman wanted to have relations with this creep?   Seriously?


What you're forgetting (or ignoring) is that Cosby's under oath deposition admitted to using drugs on women to have non-consentual sex with them.   The testimony was SO damning that he ended up losing the civil suit ....  and the District Attorney felt it was worth re-opening the suit for prosecution.   

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Posts: 11,229
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

He offered drugs. She accepted.


She knew what to expect and returned for more of the same bringing him gifts no less.


She wanted something from him; he wanted something in return. This was a tranaction not a love affair. Her sx preference didn't enter into it.

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Posts: 2,669
Registered: ‎03-27-2011

I thought when the first accusers came out that maybe it was just attention seekers or $ mad people. But with so many accusers , spanning so many years, and the profiles of some who appear to have no other reason except wanting to help the others I cannot not believe it. It is sad that someone with so much given to him would carry on like that.


I imagine every woman posting and reading here has at some time had an experience of a male with authority or position making you do a mental double take questioning your own sanity. Did that occur as I think,did he really say/do that with that intention, or am I mis  reading it. But if you hear the same experience having occured to others you know.