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In a criminal jury trial, a NOT GUILTY verdict does NOT mean the defendant is means that the State did not prove the charges BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.  Big difference!

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@Pearlee wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Yes, the prosecutor can change his strategy but if he doesn't have a lot of real, hardcore evidence; the results will be the same in the next trial.  Or he'll be found innocent.  Don't forget, the jury is deliberating on all 50 accusations.  They are deliberating on this case and this case alone.  Which is weak.  And then there's the "pity factor".  He's 80, frail, losing is eyesight.  That works in Cosby's favor.  

I'm not "forgetting" @chrystaltree .  My post was in response to "won't this just happen again" comment.  There are things that can be learned from this trial and no two trials are alike, nor are two juries alike.  The jury composition will be different next time. There are many variables.  Yes, there can certainly be another deadlocked jury,  but there can also be a verdict of not guilty or guilty.  If he is retried and found not guilty next time, then maybe there was never enough evidence for a prosecution.  But if the prosecutors don't retry the case, then he walks free. So why shoudln't they try again?   I don't even know why you are arguing with my post.


Yes, there will be another trial.  I wasn't arguing, I was expressing an opinion.  And no, there won't be an all white jury next time.  The jury composition won't be that different.


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@chrystaltree, I did not know that she had accepted a big payoff.  I also am not surprised that she remained in contact with him, because we see that in abuse cases all the time.  Predators have a way about them that keeps them coming back.  There have been rumors about him for many years, but the average person watching him on television did not want to believe that America's dad would do what the rumors had stated.


It will be interesting to see if any jurors come forward and what they have to say about the trial.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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The DA managed to get a sealed deposition unsealed, that is how this case came about.  Don't ask me on what legal grounds the DA can unseal a previously sealed depo, however, this does not bode well for testimony given under oath with the promise it will never be revealed.  Who in their right mind would ever tell the truth, rather they should take the Fifth?  To do otherwise woulld be incriminating yourself.

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Re: Cosby Trial

[ Edited ]

A  new trial- with a different judge, strategy- and a new pool of jurors would make all the difference. Allowing some of the other accusors to speak would change the entire trial.


And yes, the fact that she was in touch with him over the years is typical of the abuser/victim relationship. There's a slow brainwashing going on. Woman Sad

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  I don't think they will try him again.

  What would be the point.

  This has been brewing for a long time and any and all evidence against him should've been used at the outset.



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Re: Cosby Trial

[ Edited ]

@chrystaltree wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Yes, the prosecutor can change his strategy but if he doesn't have a lot of real, hardcore evidence; the results will be the same in the next trial.  Or he'll be found innocent.  Don't forget, the jury is deliberating on all 50 accusations.  They are deliberating on this case and this case alone.  Which is weak.  And then there's the "pity factor".  He's 80, frail, losing is eyesight.  That works in Cosby's favor.  

I'm not "forgetting" @chrystaltree .  My post was in response to "won't this just happen again" comment.  There are things that can be learned from this trial and no two trials are alike, nor are two juries alike.  The jury composition will be different next time. There are many variables.  Yes, there can certainly be another deadlocked jury,  but there can also be a verdict of not guilty or guilty.  If he is retried and found not guilty next time, then maybe there was never enough evidence for a prosecution.  But if the prosecutors don't retry the case, then he walks free. So why shoudln't they try again?   I don't even know why you are arguing with my post.


Yes, there will be another trial.  I wasn't arguing, I was expressing an opinion.  And no, there won't be an all white jury next time.  The jury composition won't be that different.


@chrystaltree -- Please separate out your words from mine in your post.  I never said anything about an all-white jury and it looks in your post like that's attributed to me.  The jury will be different by being different people.  It is you, not me, making a racial comment so would you please make clear in your post above which words are yours and which are mine.  You have all your words within my quote and I dlislike that given some of your words.

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Of course they're saying they will retry but if the jury favors not guilty it would be pointless. Even three or four voting not guilty and were not persuaded to change their vote would make it unlikely they would retry. 


Even if they got a guilty verdict, they would likely lose on appeal; that sealed deposition should never have come in.  It deprives Cosby of his 5th amendment rights. 


PA taxpayers may not feel pleased about the way the DA is spending their taxes on a nonsense trial.


Cosby offered drugs the women took them voluntarily.

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While the deposition was supposed to be sealed, those of us who live in the area have known about the dep for years, so I am not so sure how sealed it actually was.


As far as the women willingly taking the drugs, I don't buy that.  Certainly, he did not tell them that he was giving them drugs so that he could assault them.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Cosby Trial

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain wrote:

Of course they're saying they will retry but if the jury favors not guilty it would be pointless. Even three or four voting not guilty and were not persuaded to change their vote would make it unlikely they would retry. 


Even if they got a guilty verdict, they would likely lose on appeal; that sealed deposition should never have come in.  It deprives Cosby of his 5th amendment rights. 


PA taxpayers may not feel pleased about the way the DA is spending their taxes on a nonsense trial.


Cosby offered drugs the women took them voluntarily.



That's not accurate.   Many times he slipped knock out drugs in a beverage .... or said they were one thing, but actually something else.  


It's one thing to be a "consenting adult", but this is NOT what was going on.