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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

[ Edited ]

I'll be watching.  I've never watched a Royal Coronation before.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

I watched the BBC for the Queen's funeral. I think I will stick with the BBC. But thanks for the information, @Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes.


The main reason being the BBC is more familiar with the entire process. I really don't want to listen to an American broadcaster talking or reading about the Coronation. I would rather hear from people who know or lived with the Royal Family or are familiar with the Coronation ceremony.


Even ordered Earl Gray Tea for the occasion.

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

[ Edited ]

@fancy pantsy wrote:

I am also watching the Westminister!!!  my daughter will be running her cavalier king charles in the master's agility !! do you have anyone to root for?  it's so exciting !


this is for Xivambala

@fancy pantsy 


I have no particular favorites. I like to watch all the dogs. I do enjoy when the shelter dogs get a chance to run the course.


What is your daughter's pup's name?

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

NBC NEWS TO BROADCAST SPECIAL LIVE COVERAGE OF THE CORONATION OF KING CHARLES III. NEW YORK – April 24, 2023 – Savannah Guthrie will anchor special coverage of the coronation of King Charles III Saturday, May 6, live from Buckingham Palace in London. Coverage will begin at 5 a.m. ET.

Thank you, it's on my that sort of stuff.

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

I'll be flipping around among all these options.  That's what I've done with the weddings and funerals.


They each have different commentators and "royal experts", so I like to hear and see as many perspectives as possible. 

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts


I'll pass. I'm tired of the royals. I'm tired of the pomp and circumstance. I'm tired of rich people spending million$, billion$, on show while so many people suffer in their own countries. 


I just can't......

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

Thanks for that comprehensive rundown of the coverage, @Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes .   I'm sure I'll be sampling several of the channels as usual.  I rarely watch royal things on a continuous, sustained, start-to-finish basis-- I think the last thing I saw that way was Edward and Sophie's wedding...


But a coronation, after a long, 70-plus year previous reign, is quite the event, and I'd like to see the highlights, including the ceremonies with the ancient sceptre, and the anointing of holy oil from Jerusalem, etc.   The stuff of history. 


Fans of seriously injured war correspondent Benjamin Hall might be interested to note in your listing that he'll be contributing to the Fox coverage, as well as royal biographer Christopher Andersen, whom I like, among others.  As far as the anchors, the combination of volatile Piers Morgan and sedate, formidably prepared Martha McCallum always strikes me as funny, and entertaining to watch.   

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

I'm 63, I might not live to see another coronation and even if I do; this will likely be the last one of it's kind.  It's history.  I want to see the pageantry of it.  

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

she is a cavalier king charles spaniel and her name is BELLA.   (yay bella!)

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Re: Coronation Coverage and Broadcasts

Thank for the coronation schedules, Mr . Wilkes et al! I will be watching! HeartSmiley Happy