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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Ok Annabelle, I see there must not be mental problems, he is just over being PC. Nothing wrong with that. 

Tongue in cheek or serious, @proudlyfromNJ?

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

So he's an old guy who seems to have gone off the rails.  Big deal.  Nobody is trying to wish him off the island or anything.  I think most probably have appreciated his talent.  But it goes without saying that both of these rants were quite a bit kooky.    


If he's fine with bigotry and such, there is nothing I can do about that and he has every right to feel however he feels, as long as he doesn't start hurting people.


His new project sounds interesting.   I imagine it will be a good movie.  I'm sure he has plenty of staff to help him out.   None of this means he cannot have a creative mind for his craft.   There CAN be both and often is with creative people.

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

I think ole Clint always marched to the beat of a different drum. All the wives, kids and the many kerfufles with Sondra Locke. Was that her name? The blonde?

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

@FLgardener Play Misty for Me.

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

I LOVE Clint Eastwood in his early "spaghetti westerns!"  One of the best things he ever did, though, is fathering Scott Eastwood!


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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

@tansy wrote:

I think his mental health is up for debate.  I have enjoyed many of his movies over the years -- not so much the westerns though.


        A day ago, I didn't think so.  I do now....

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

DH has gotten me to watch some of his movies.  He consistently delivers good performances.  

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

My favorite Clint Eastwood movie? Bridges of Madison County. Loved it and the music. I think he wrote and played the beginning melody. Sexiest movie ever.

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

My favorite Clint Eastwood movie? Bridges of Madison County. Loved it and the music. I think he wrote and played the beginning melody. Sexiest movie ever.

@proudlyfromNJ  Best movie EVER!  😘

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Re: Clint Eastwood (Not A Political post)

We're all so different.  I left the theater in the middle of Bridges of Madison County.  My husband was so relieved😄