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@proudlyfromNJ I know! It feels like it just started 2-3 weeks ago. Boy, does time go fast when you're really loving a show! I always miss this show when it goes on hiatus. One of the handful of shows I really enjoy watching even though sometimes it brings me down. The good part of the show, it's always thought provoking and sometimes heart breaking.

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I watch the Midwives with a box of tissues on my lap and a towel by my side!  I love the series but it is always sad at some point during the episode. 


 It is  another excellent well written series with a wonderful cast of characters and settings which are so realistic.  This is why I have been watching Masterpiece Theater for a long time, it rarely disappoints but always entertains and gives class to TV. I llook forward to every new series!

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I'm afraid to watch the finale tonight!  I think I will record it tonight and watch it in the light of day.  Lately these have been too upsetting for me to watch right before bed , at my age!!Smiley Sad

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I can't believe the finale is already here!!

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Do you think the reason they killed off barbara,is because trixie and the preacher will get back together?

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I hope not. 

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I was very disappointed in the Finale!Smiley Sad

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@Hooty  Can you tell us why?  I'm not judging, just wondered.  I was a little disappointed, too, I guess, because it was ending for another season.  I thought the scenes w/Reggie were touching.  Sr Monica Joan was her old self again Smiley Happy.  Some scenes were very sad.  Love Fred and Violet.  Phyllis was so good........... And so it goes.

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@Patriot3, I just thought the part of the Dad and the so called "Uncle Donald" part was just not in good taste for this program, JMHO!

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Re: Call the midwife

[ Edited ]

I cried through the entire show. 

The reason they killed off Barbara was that the actress playing her wanted to quit.

The actress playing Phyllis was great , as always.

I thought it was a rather disappointing season finale.It was nice they had a little bit of Trixie on the film. I'm sure she will be back.

I liked when Sr Monica Jo said When you die you don't disappear - you become a memory.