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COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Cozi TV has a new lineup on Saturdays.  I love all these shows.  


8:00 am EST – McCloud

10:00 am EST – Columbo

12:00 pm EST McMillan and Wife

1:30 pm EST – Banacek

3:00 pm EST - Quincy


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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Thanks so much, @cotton4me . Love those shows, too.

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Boo, I enjoyed Murder She Wrote from 9-noon...oh well change happens & I do like Columbo but the rest, no. Have fun watching @cotton4me.

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

I like the new line up.  Watchig McCloud now,

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Columbo also on at 8 and 10pm Eastern. Looks like older shows.

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Thank you.  I watched McCloud for a while this morning.  It was pretty good - more relaxed and cooler than the typical detective show,


Columbo - I was never into the show - or Peter Falk.


Banacek - Never heard of it.


Quincy - For me, he'll always be Oscar from The Odd Couple.  I couldn't watch Quincy.

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

A few years back McMillan and Wife were in the lineup and I recorded all of them.  I had to get a new cable box and somehow all the episodes of that show was erased.  Not sure how, some of my recordings remained but McM & W disappeared  Now I can watch them again (and record).  Rock Hudson was very handsome during that show and I always liked Susan St. James.    Actually, I think it's funny - there's always a part when Sally is calling "Mac- Mac - Mac".  And on Hart to Hart Stephanie Powers is always running around calling "Jonathan - Jonathan".  Kind of funny but I still like those shows.  They do look pretty dated now, don't they?

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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Enjoyed watching Louise Lasser ('Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman') and Don Ho on McCloud "Cowboy in Paradise" episode!


It's an episode to watch if one can find it somewhere else.


I believe Louise Lasser is approx. 82 years young!

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

Louise Lasser has a website.  Take a look!

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: COZI TV - New Saturday Lineup

@cotton4me wrote:

Cozi TV has a new lineup on Saturdays.  I love all these shows.  


8:00 am EST – McCloud

10:00 am EST – Columbo

12:00 pm EST McMillan and Wife

1:30 pm EST – Banacek

3:00 pm EST - Quincy


I love those shows watched all of them.  I do not get Cozi but I do watch, tvland, antenna tv and Insp for all my westernsSmiley Happy