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Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I like Major Crimes too. I don't care for Madame Secretary though. Just don't care for the lead actress (Tea Leone). Some of the stories are unbelievable to me. I'm thinking about the one where the leader of some country wanted his daughter to get a good grade.............

After that, I started watching another show.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 141
Registered: ‎02-23-2011

As far as CBS sitcoms go, I like Big Bang! 2-1/2 Men was terrible last year. Now this year with the addition of the little boy, I like it. I'm on the fence with the McCarthy's. I can take that or leave it.

Not a comedy, but I have just discovered "Damages" on Netflix. I watched the entire first season yesterday and I've never binge watched before! Glenn Close is really great in this show!