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Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

For those of you who watched this, what did you think?  I was very disappointed in it.


There could have been so many more ways to end what was a good show.  Suddenly going into the future and actually changing some of the personalities such as Kemi and Chuwy just didn't make for a nice farewell.


The only part that I really liked was Bob and Abishola sitting on the bench at the very end of the show.


I will miss the show, but I guess they pretty well exhausted most of the storylines that they could come up with.  I'm not sure if the show was cancelled by the network or if they decided to just end it at that point.

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

@J Town Girl, I agree with all you said. I didn't care for the future view of the characters. And the ending on the bench was touching and fitting.

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

I think I'd read somewhere that the Death Knell was rung during the writer's strike.


I had such hopes.....

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

I gave up on this show awhile back; didn't like Abishola's domineering mother, then the writers turned Abishola more like her mother which was another strike against me watching, but Billy Gardell's gastric bypass turned me away for good, as I can't stand to look at him now.   


I did record the finale; watched it this morning, speeding thru the scenes with Bob, got the gist of it and don't feel I missed anything.  

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

@RedTop   I think most would agree that Billy Gardell needed to lose some weight, but my goodness he looks so bad now.  That weight loss aged him by years.  


My husband never watched the show but he knew Billy Gardell from occasionally seeing him on the show if he walked by as I was watching it.  


After BG under went such a drastic change my husband came into the room and asked if they replaced the character on the show. He couldn't believe it was the same guy.  


I know that Billy is diabetic and he was hawking Ozempic on their commercial so I'm pretty sure that he was placed on it.  His face has that deflated balloon look that so many get from the drug.  


I'm sure he's much healthier now since the weight loss but I think he would look better if he had just a little more weight on him now.  

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

@J Town Girl wrote:

For those of you who watched this, what did you think?  I was very disappointed in it.


There could have been so many more ways to end what was a good show.  Suddenly going into the future and actually changing some of the personalities such as Kemi and Chuwy just didn't make for a nice farewell.


The only part that I really liked was Bob and Abishola sitting on the bench at the very end of the show.


I will miss the show, but I guess they pretty well exhausted most of the storylines that they could come up with.  I'm not sure if the show was cancelled by the network or if they decided to just end it at that point.


@J Town Girl 


I have the last 3 shows recorded but haven't watched them yet.  


That show was quite cute in the beginning, but I think it lost its way when Abishola's mother showed up.  Bob's mother was enough meddling, IMO.  


Oh well.

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

I watched it when it first came on but didn't enjoy it. I quit watching. It surprised me when I saw Billy Gardelli, he looked sickly. I liked him better when he had some weight on his bones. He was scary looking.  The same thing happened with John Goodman. He looks sickly. Why do these actors go from one extreme to the next.

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

Well that explains it.  I clicked over to see a few minutes of it and Abishola was acting like she was a doctor.  I didn't understand it and went back to my original show.

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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

Personally, I loved it... giving us an ending for all the characters.
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Re: Bob ❤️ Abishola last night's finale.

Terrible show....terrible ending (which I turned off halfway through). I watched some weeks when I could not find anything else to watch. Half the time I could not understand what they were saying.