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Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

I have been waiting since Season 1 for Mickey to be killed. That is one character I never liked.

Geez, what a bone headed stunt that Nucky came up with. They should have just killed Bugsy and disposed of the body instead of trying to one-up Meyer and Charlie. I guess they have to follow history though.

I am very sad that next week is the finale. I'll be sad about Nucky.

Oh, and the Commodore is a disgusting piece of you-know-what. It is bad enough that he assaulted Gillian, but to find out that he regularly buys little girls just was sickening.

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

I didn't like the way that situation went down either.... but as you said I guess they have to follow history. The entire Commodore situation was disgusting.

I'm sad to see the show come to an end. It appears that Gillian is free next week?

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

Really enjoyed last night's show, but was so afraid that Nucky was going to get killed! Now I feel that he won't get killed in the end! Also enjoyed seeing the background of how Gillian grew up and how they became involved!

I cannot believe next week is the end of it, but I have really enjoyed watching!

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

You are going to LAUGH, but I'm just finding out about this show. I don't have HBO and I've just found it via amazon prime. I am in season one...I love it show far.

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

I'm one episode behind on this show. Have to get caught up.

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

On 10/20/2014 sunshine3215 said:

You are going to LAUGH, but I'm just finding out about this show. I don't have HBO and I've just found it via amazon prime. I am in season one...I love it show far.

You will love it, we'll try not to spoil things for you!

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Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

It doesn't bother me to know all of it. I often read ahead on things. But thanks for being kind to me.

I know some people don't like knowing ahead of time. I was one of those people who wanted to know things ahead of time.

It goes back to when I was a kid. I would go and pick out my Christmas presents then they'd get wrapped up and I'd open them. No big deal. It's what you get used to.

Thanks Hooty.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Boardwalk Empire: 10/19 Episode (spoilers)

I think that they have done an amazing job of casting the younger version of Nucky and of Gillian! These actors REALLY act and even sound like the older versions! Kudos to the casting department!

I'm so sad that the show will be over as of Sunday. What a great ride it's been!