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Poor Marilyn, she wanted to be valued as an artist. From what I read abou this film, she is still being exploited in death. I will not watch this movie.

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 I "watched" this today, if what I did can be called watching; I muted the sound through most of it.

 It was just a trashy, depressing mess, more of a virtual photo gallery of sorts with some nudity and sex scenes thrown in.

 Most of it was in B&W, which I liked.

 The girl who played MM was very good, I thought.


 Really no point in movies like this when there's miles of footage of the real person plus their movies.



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I started watching this and I was disgusted!  I thought it was so trashy and it seemed like a lot of it was just made up stuff for sensationalism.  I have always been intrigued with Marilyn and I try to watch most things about her and have read a lot about her.  I thought this painted her in a very bad way and I really hated it!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I just watched this movie today, I didn't think it was that good but Ana de Armas was excellent as Marilyn. This is based on the novel Blonde so I don't know how much of it is actually true. Marilyn was a tormented soul, she had a tough childhood ( mentally ill mother), she seemed to crave the love of a father she never knew ( calling her husbands daddy),  and seemed to be abused by men as in those in a position of power an in her personal life. I hope in death she found the peace she clearly didn't get in life. 

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Trying not to look past yesterday anymore.  No matter what the situation.  They are long gone, and today is just enough to deal with.  I don't want anymore, as they say, real estate in my head being taken up.  Can't change it so why bother.

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Registered: ‎07-18-2010

@lavendar wrote:

This might be one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I'm a movie buff.


It wasn't JFK. It was Daryl Zanuck. 

I'm no prude but this was soft porn.

@lavendar  Me either but I thought parts of it were rather sordid. She was one sad individual. Her childhood apparently greatly affected her as an adult and the way she was treated by most men later in life didn't help. Maybe I'm easily impressed but I thought Anna dA did fine in the role. I did not detect a Spanish accent.