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Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

And once again there's not a lot to spoil. They had their walk down memory lane that consumed much of yesterday morning. We'll see that on the show tonight (expect a lot of Frankie clips.) After that they played hide and seek and then got a game and a deck of cards from production to help kill the time. Boredom is overtaking the house.

Today they should have part two of the three part HOH comp. That will be an epic showdown between Derrick and Victoria. Derrick should win easily unless he really, really tries to throw it to Victoria. (Which he might.) I suspect a lot of whether he throws it or not will depend on if he knows Cody is able to watch them or not. If Cody's watching, he can't be too obvious in throwing the comp. If Cody is locked up inside and can't see the comp, then Derrick may lie down and take a nap until Victoria wins. I think Derrick thinks he's safe no matter who wins and he's worried about the votes and doesn't want to have to personally boot Cody, so he'd prefer Victoria to do it for him.

Derrick was getting Victoria's feel for how Caleb took his eviction. He's worried that Cody's speech made it look like both Cody and Derrick had decided to evict Caleb when Cody had the only vote to evict. Derrick wanted Caleb's blood only on Cody's hands but Cody's speech smeared quite a bit of it on Derrick.

On tonight's show we'll see the first part of the HOH comp. We'll see lots of clips of what happened this year. (Not that much compared to past seasons.) We'll likely see Frankie make his triumphant entry into the jury house. (Which may consume a full half of the show since it is The Frankie Grande Show this year. They're going to pound us a lot with Frankie on these final two shows. I'm betting he'll get more airtime than everyone else on next Wednesday's show.) And then the season will be over except for the finale next Wednesday.

This is the most tedious time of all for the house guests. (It's not a lot of fun for the feed watchers either.) These last days just go on forever with no more comps in sight, no events to look forward to, no more scheming or planning to do. After part two of the HOH comp they are just warehoused until time to announce a winner on Wednesday. BB will occasionally take mercy on them and feed them a movie or two during this stretch to keep them somewhat sane, I think this is a good stage of the game to drop in a video game console and a pile of games for the house guests. The boredom at this stage is all consuming. There's only one juror left to groom and unless you've been sleeping all season you've already done most of the grooming that's required. Now you just sit around and twiddle your thumbs and wonder when this is all going to end.

Derrick's played himself into a really good spot, but his worry about votes may be pretty sound. The jury didn't look overly happy when they visited the house. Derrick will have to acknowledge that he personally oversaw/orchestrated their evictions and ran the house in his speech, but two of the later evictees (Frankie and Caleb) are convinced they really ran the house. If Derrick ends up against Cody he'd have to figure Christine would vote for Cody. He can't be sure that Caleb would vote out Cody after hearing Cody's speech. Donny and Frankie, his two Team America allies won't be happy knowing he was behind both of their evictions. Would Zach vote for Cody or Derrick? It's not hard to guess that there could be five votes for Cody to get the win despite Derrick largely carrying him. Cody did win many more comps and won the most important comps.

Derrick against Victoria should be an easy win for Derrick. The only reason to vote for Victoria would be bitterness. Now many of the house guests throughout the season, including Derrick himself, have said they'd vote for Victoria if anyone dragged her to the finale, but he's got to assume they'd vote for him. She might get a vote or two, but the odds of her getting five would be much less than Cody. So Derrick needs to end up in the final two with Victoria for the easiest win while not alienating his fellow Hitman. The easiest way to do that is to have Victoria win the final HOH and have her evict Cody and take him. To do that she first has to win the second part of the HOH comp and Derrick will pretty much have to roll over and play dead to let her win it. I'm thinking he will. We'll see what the results of that comp are later today.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

Derrick needs to be a man and play this by winning the next competition making the final result him and Cody in the F2. I don't think people will respect him any other way. By dragging Victoria to the end it would be too much of an easy win for him. JMO
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

If you want to see/hear something pretty amusing, go to TRASHTALKTV. COM and find BB in 2 minutes #13...........when the comment was made asking what kind of drug Frankie was on that made him think he had a career when the show was over, I had to lol..........AND if you want to be truly repulsed, go to and read The Walk Down Frankie Lane.......the only thing that will make you less nauseous is reading the comments afterwards.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

""The walk down Frankie Lane"" is sad and pathetic. I'm guessing whoever wrote it only saw the shows. True fans' comments after the article are a much truer representation of who/what Frankie Grande is.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

After putting in my votes for Donny I checked out the comments after that Frankie lane garbage and boy oh boy, did I enjoy reading those. You would have a hard time finding a positive comment about that pink dirt bag nightmare. Good reading, lol.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

On 9/19/2014 jojobeans said: After putting in my votes for Donny I checked out the comments after that Frankie lane garbage and boy oh boy, did I enjoy reading those. You would have a hard time finding a positive comment about that pink dirt bag nightmare. Good reading, lol.
Now,now JOJO.....let's be fair. I read almost 400 comments and I think there was 1 sort of So...I sat down to have lunch and watch last night's Project Runway. They showed a picture of those troll dolls from back in the day and, I swear to God, they look just like Frankie ! I wondered where I had seen him before.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

Danky, I watched that too and you are soooo right, lol. Those trolls really do look like that pink nightmare.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

I posted about those troll dolls a few days ago. It was kind of late at night (I think), and I had to go back an edit it so I wouldn't get banned. I was being especially evil. But then again, Frankie might have liked what I said, considering where the pencils used to get shoved in those old troll doll pencil toppers. {#emotions_dlg.scared} LOL, I used to think those nekkid troll dolls were obscene back then and wondered why we were allowed to have such a thing in school, LOL Then along comes Frankie and what can I say? flashbacks!

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

On 9/19/2014 iam4truth said:

I posted about those troll dolls a few days ago. It was kind of late at night (I think), and I had to go back an edit it so I wouldn't get banned. I was being especially evil. But then again, Frankie might have liked what I said, considering where the pencils used to get shoved in those old troll doll pencil toppers. {#emotions_dlg.scared} LOL, I used to think those nekkid troll dolls were obscene back then and wondered why we were allowed to have such a thing in school, LOL Then along comes Frankie and what can I say? flashbacks!

There you did beat me to the observation. I remember NOW reading that post of yours. On the same topic....there is speculation ,on another site ,that Frankie's "distinctive" walking style may be attributed to a personal item that Caleb found while cleaning the house. I had to google it since I had neither heard of the item before nor had any idea what its purpose would be.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 9/19/2014!!!

The pink troll (I agree he looks like one of those) was interviewed on his way to the jury house by entertainment weekly.... he said he wants Zack to be waiting for him with a ring and a bouquet and a proposal and he will gladly marry him. Can anyone be in more denial?