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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

Unless they have an ALL GIRL SEASON, or Production decides to stay the heck out, they will always have the strong guy alliances. I would like to see Grodner go and a season with all girls. However, I think the reason for the show is to see how "complete strangers from different walks of life get along with cameras watching their every move" ---- or something like that, which will mean that guys and girls will always be mixed, I suppose.

The only interest I will have after Donny and Nicole leave is seeing one of them come back, and/or seeing the last gnarly guys pick each other off.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

Well I know I have to stop watching when Christine's laugh, Frankie's accents, Zach's immaturity, and Derrick's constant know-it-all chatter is grating on my last nerve.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

They should change the name of this season to "Arianna Grande's Big Brother."

Gardenman, what is your opinion (and anyone else's) of the talk that production (sleep on, Les Moonves) actually swapped out the BOTB comp for a different one that would be easier for Frankie to win alone? That would be powerful interference.

And what do you think would happen if the dummies. realizing just how much the deck is stacked, wiped the fame ho particles out of their eyes and flat out refused to go on with the show? Breach of contract blah blah but really wouldn't CBS be the biggest losers?

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

lori..... last night they were talking.... some of them have quit their jobs.... they need the money from the stipends.... it sounds great to walk out on the show, but I think they would be more realistic... the idealistic can afford to walk out....

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

On 8/12/2014 LoriLori said:

They should change the name of this season to "Arianna Grande's Big Brother."

Gardenman, what is your opinion (and anyone else's) of the talk that production (sleep on, Les Moonves) actually swapped out the BOTB comp for a different one that would be easier for Frankie to win alone? That would be powerful interference.

And what do you think would happen if the dummies. realizing just how much the deck is stacked, wiped the fame ho particles out of their eyes and flat out refused to go on with the show? Breach of contract blah blah but really wouldn't CBS be the biggest losers?

In year one of BB, Chicken George (I believe) led several revolts against production to get extra food and liberties. In that first season they had a very limited pantry and a very spartan lifestyle and the house guests rebelled and got some concessions. Since then the contract has been reworked to make rebellion less likely. I believe they now have to not just sacrifice their stipend but also repay BB for the costs to transport them to the auditions, their hotel rooms during sequester, etc. If you want to rebel now and walk away, it'll cost you thousands, and likely tens of thousand of dollars to repay everything production spent to get you there. You don't see rebellion these days because of that.

Grodner insists every year that the competitions are all planned out well in advance and nothing is ever changed to favor one particular house guest. (She's normally stating this while seated between the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus to give herself extra credibility.) It's pretty clear to everyone that they tweak the comps as they go along to favor certain house guests. Even then they don't always succeed and the house guest who's supposed to win will find a way to lose. If you put a gun to the heads of those in production they'd admit that all they care about is making the best possible show and fairness doesn't really matter. BB is "entertainment" programming and not a "game show" so they can tweak things as much as they like. They clearly did not want Frankie going home this week, so they had to tweak things rather dramatically to save him. It lets them make a better show this week. Is it fair to Nicole? No. Do they care? Not really. Not as long as the ratings stay good.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

On 8/12/2014 gardenman said:
On 8/12/2014 LoriLori said:

They should change the name of this season to "Arianna Grande's Big Brother."

Gardenman, what is your opinion (and anyone else's) of the talk that production (sleep on, Les Moonves) actually swapped out the BOTB comp for a different one that would be easier for Frankie to win alone? That would be powerful interference.

And what do you think would happen if the dummies. realizing just how much the deck is stacked, wiped the fame ho particles out of their eyes and flat out refused to go on with the show? Breach of contract blah blah but really wouldn't CBS be the biggest losers?

In year one of BB, Chicken George (I believe) led several revolts against production to get extra food and liberties. In that first season they had a very limited pantry and a very spartan lifestyle and the house guests rebelled and got some concessions. Since then the contract has been reworked to make rebellion less likely. I believe they now have to not just sacrifice their stipend but also repay BB for the costs to transport them to the auditions, their hotel rooms during sequester, etc. If you want to rebel now and walk away, it'll cost you thousands, and likely tens of thousand of dollars to repay everything production spent to get you there. You don't see rebellion these days because of that.

Grodner insists every year that the competitions are all planned out well in advance and nothing is ever changed to favor one particular house guest. (She's normally stating this while seated between the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus to give herself extra credibility.) It's pretty clear to everyone that they tweak the comps as they go along to favor certain house guests. Even then they don't always succeed and the house guest who's supposed to win will find a way to lose. If you put a gun to the heads of those in production they'd admit that all they care about is making the best possible show and fairness doesn't really matter. BB is "entertainment" programming and not a "game show" so they can tweak things as much as they like. They clearly did not want Frankie going home this week, so they had to tweak things rather dramatically to save him. It lets them make a better show this week. Is it fair to Nicole? No. Do they care? Not really. Not as long as the ratings stay good.

Good one, LORILORI! What is the compensation for non-winners, GARDENMAN?
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!


I was hoping they could take off their pink-colored glasses and make a move like the casts of Friends and Big Bang Theory.

Makes sense the network would have them bound up tighter than The Mummy Smiley Sad

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

The stipend this year is reportedly around a thousand dollars a week starting the week of preshow sequester. That's a lot of cash to give up.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

Gardenman, thanks for mentioning season one,now there was a good original show,loved chicken George ,there were real chickens,wringer washmachine[not electric],no dryer, clothesline,so primitive,the houseguest were simple ordinarily people mostly middle age,the winner was a guy from new York with one leg,[I think that was season one] he deserved it .Looks whats happen to that show over the years,all wanna bee and famous people,its ruined.I hope for a all star game next year,it won't be perfect but any thing will be better than this cast of idiots.Tucka.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/12/2014!!!

{} Ariana Grande' s Big Brother!!!! Kudos,LoriLori, for coining the perfect title for this season.