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Big Brother 15 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 7/12/2013!!!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin, GinaMarie side of the house who thought they were cruising to the final four just hours ago, now know they're destined to be picked off one by one. Suffice to say, the news did not come as a pleasant surprise. Jeremy took it pretty well and was a decent sport about things, but the girls got a bit feisty. Among other things they overturned Candice's bed and a brief war over beds ensued.

GinaMarie was last seen crying nonstop and bemoaning the loss of her beloved Nick. She spent much of the night cradling Nick's coffee cup, Chapstick, and wearing his blue hat. GinaMarie is convinced that if she just had two more weeks she could have gotten Nick to love her like she loves him. That wasn't going to happen. Nick barely tolerated GinaMarie.

Aaryn is still shocked that anyone could call her racist as she's never said or done anything that could possibly be viewed in that way. (Okay then. I guess everyone else just imagined it all.) Kaitlin went off on a bit of a rampage and called pretty much everyone on the other side of the house names to their faces, but then calmed down a bit later and apologized and seems to be back in the game and playing again. She's now advising Jeremy to cut himself free from Aaryn and focus the house on evicting Aaryn instead of Kaitlin and Jeremy. Andy did a decent job of talking to Kaitlin and getting her back in the game by telling her he fought to keep her and that it was her or Nick to go up and he fought to keep Kaitlin over Nick.

Howard and Spencer's stupid move to cast a hinky vote and blame it on Jessie failed miserably. Pretty much everyone knows that they're responsible for the vote and most think it was Spencer who cast the vote, so he may pay the price for the move. Howard foolishly told Jeremy the truth about the vote and Jeremy then told the Aaryn, Kaitlin and GInaMarie it was Howard who cast the vote, so that word will find its way to Helen which may be good news for Spencer, but very bad news for Howard. (Those two dummies keep telling everyone they voted the same and it must have been Jessie who cast the hinky vote. Sure. That doesn't sound fake at all.)

Things seem to be calming down a tick now. Kaitlin's got her head back in the game and Jeremy seems right behind her. GinaMarie will eventually run out of tears and stop crying. Aaryn pretty much wants to go home and seems to be giving up the fight since there are lots of ways she can make $500,000 outside the house. (I'm thinking she's going to get a bit surprise when she leaves.)

Today we should have the Have Nots/Food comp. We're about due for a whole house food comp where the house will compete for food for the week. Expect Aaryn to do nothing to get food for the house and be a complete moron, but the rest should compete fairly well. Later tonight we'll have the nominations. Early indications are that Jeremy may not be nominated in the hope that he can't then play for POV and will be backdoored. Aaryn is almost a lock for a nomination. Kaitlin could go up opposite her, or possibly GinaMarie. I suspect a final decision will come after the Food comp today.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!