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Betty White and Sliced Bread

Betty White was born in 1922. Sliced bread was invented in 1928. Therefore, sliced bread is the greatest thing since Betty White. (Wish I knew the source so I could give them credit.)

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

@On It   I'm not sure-I think it showed up on Twitter at one time and Snopes confirmed that the bread slicer was invented after Betty White was born.


There is another one about Queen Elizabeth and sliced bread, too.

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

My mother was born in 1922. I lost her ten years ago. 1922 was a special year also!
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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

I'm probably of a very few people who never liked slice white bread.


But I do like Betty White.  


I love watching her on the old  (o-l-d) b&w game shows especially Password with her husband Allen.  And to think that after all these decades later, she is still here!

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

I'm with Lucky Charm in that I don't like white bread AT ALL, but I do adore Betty White.  I also, vaguely, recall her on Password with her husban who was the host.   Of course, we all know that he is long gone.  She never married again, IIRC.


As to the OP - very cool!  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

@chickenbutt    What ! don't like white bread even homemade bread ?


Girl, you from outer space ?   LOL   Never heard of that person except my idiot husband who will only eat one slice when I make it.


I gotta convert you  ROFL

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

@SharkE wrote:

@chickenbutt    What ! don't like white bread even homemade bread ?


Girl, you from outer space ?   LOL   Never heard of that person except my idiot husband who will only eat one slice when I make it.


I gotta convert you  ROFL

Ha!  You might have a point. Maybe homemade bread would be different.  What I was thinking was that white bread that you would buy in the store, in a bag, like Wonderbread or something.  I find those to be very unappealing.


I tend to go for a nice, organic, whole grain, bread with seeds.   Dave's Killer Bread 'Good Seed' is my current fav.  

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

OK, ypur forgiven. Can't eat seedy stuff hurts my diverticulitis flares it up

Love strawberries gonna have to puree them looks like before long


I got a habit of buying too green of a fruit and that cramps me up something awful.  LOL

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

@SharkE wrote:

OK, ypur forgiven. Can't eat seedy stuff hurts my diverticulitis flares it up

Love strawberries gonna have to puree them looks like before long


I got a habit of buying too green of a fruit and that cramps me up something awful.  LOL


That's a drag about the seeds. 


You just reminded me that I purchased some strawberries (first time this year) Thursday and I need to do something with them.   While I love strawberries, I don't do things like strawberry ice cream or milkshakes, etc.   I usually just macerate them and love to serve them over vanilla bean ice cream.  Or just macerate them and eat some of them in a bowl. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Betty White and Sliced Bread

@chickenbutt , you're a girl after my own heart!  White sliced bread just sticks to the roof of my mouth.  Love those whole grain breads. 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett