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Re: Bette Davis, James Davis, "Winter Meeting" TCM Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern

[ Edited ]

Consulting memory banks..... let's see, I think you are right, @Mmsfoxxie.  I watched a video a few years ago of Bette being interviewed by D i c k Cavett, and I think she was waving a cigarette around then.  Could be wrong, but that image is in my mind...

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Re: Bette Davis, James Davis, "Winter Meeting" TCM Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern

I finally got to see the rest of this movie. I loved it. It was different, the scenes as we said were beautiful. I wasn't crazy about the ending but I saw no other way. I thought Jim Davis was pretty good. First we had Taylor and Taylor, now Davis and Davis! Glad I watched it. Thanks @Oznell

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Re: Bette Davis, James Davis, "Winter Meeting" TCM Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern

Just watched it this afternoon and really liked it as the film went on. The fact that Jim Davis' character was torn between the priesthood and Bette Davis was quite unexpected; the way it was suddenly thrown out there. I thought he did a great job, and I cannot imagine being up against Bette.  Living in Texas in the DFW area, most of us pretty much  know the workings of "Dallas" inside and out, the actor's backgrounds, etc.  Had no idea he had ever acted with Bette.  Davis was quite a handsome young fella, was he not? Loved the clothes, the scenery and especially loved that country house! I cannot believe I have never seen this movie. What a surprise! 

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Re: Bette Davis, James Davis, "Winter Meeting" TCM Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern

I enjoyed this movie as I do all of Bette Davis's performances.  It wasn't one of my favorites as far as the story went but she in my opinion makes the movie a worth while one.  Bette is always at her best and so believable in the roles she plays.  I agree abut the pairing with James Davis,  I felt he wasn't comfortable in his role or maybe that is how it should have been.  There was something missing but not in the acting of Ms. Davis!!!!!

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Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Bette Davis, James Davis, "Winter Meeting" TCM Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Eastern

@TexasMom1, I found him to be adorable.  He hadn't the polish of the other old pros like John Hoyt or of course Bette;  but I felt that the slight awkwardness he had as a somewhat "green' young actor up against a powerhouse like Bette, was consistent with the discomfort his character had. And to me he was a plausible masculine foil for her complex character.   All in all, a very satisfying film on many levels!