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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

Wow you guys this week was so much!  It was the best episode in a long time.  I can't make all the comments I want to, it'd be too much for anyone to read.  Just a few things.  Why were Ed and Rose going to sleep when it appeared to still be daylight outside?   Is it just me or Rose and her family have a very poor standard of living, even for poor people in a developing country.  Their living quarters are utterly disgusting and the pig farm with the crate house her dad lives in were horrifying.  It's like they don't even try.  No real bed, or at least a better quality sleeping mat that isn't soaked with water?  C'mon.  These people are just slobs. Evern if they had money they would be slobs.  Why does Darcy need to rent a hotel room just to sit around crying in a bathrobe?  GO HOME WOMAN you have children to care for.  I loved Tom's super staged "by the river for a selfie" moment talking to his stupid sister. What a loser.  I was hoping his man accessories he totes around would fall off that rock into  the river.  The guy who drove 13 hours to find his fake girlfried was giving off some serious serial killer vibes with the local stalking with photo/talking Russian. Who would give this girl up to that psycho!  I cannot wait for next week.  If this show was on nonstop 24 hours, I would just sit and watch it until I couldn't stay awake anymore.

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

[ Edited ]

The storyline is always the same.  Older/overweight/unattractive/broke men/women seek love in third world countries with younger/good looking/in shape men/women that wouldn't look at them twice if it wasn't for the Green Card.  This is a rash generalization and doesn't apply in all cases as some of the couples do seem to actually be happy together,  but some of those CR women = gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!


Some of the living conditions the men invite their intended to live in are appalling.  They don't appear to be able to even take care of themselves, let alone a wife.

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20


If anyone cares Stephanie goes by the name Stepanka and is on a pay site called Patreon. She's also made a lot of you tube videos which are pretty tame. I went down the rabbit hole listening to several of her videos recently. She's obnoxious and unbelievably self absorbed. She said she was making a lot of money on you tube but had to sponsor products she'd never used or didn't believe in and grew tired of it so she moved to a site where she didn't have to do so. I was thinking she probably really moved to produce raunchier content?


When asked if she's afraid of the people that talk to her or private message her as she does cam shows she said no. She claims she's met some really cool people and helps some troubled folks get through their days as they share their problems lol. I've seen a few pics of her in skimpy outfits. In one she's pretending to be Marilyn Monroe and shows her bare butt. She also said that women have never liked her. I think she's one of these people that's just totally out for herself and I'd be freaked out if I knew strange men were watching me undress through a camera. That is sooo creepy IMO. I have no doubt she got on this show for $$$.



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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

[ Edited ]

Been reading a Twitter feed about the show, some of the gems:


Pigs, goats, rats, Baby Lisa, fake lesbians and a garden gnome - all in one episode.  Name a better tv show, I dare ya !




Rose's dad must be saying,

She must REALLY want to get to America !


Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

[ Edited ]

@colliemom4 Patreon is NOT some porn site or even raunchy.  It's a site designed for writers, artists,etc to help promote their crafts. Stephanie's raunchy pay for view content can be accessed via her YouTube channel.  

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

@SugarPuff wrote:

@colliemom4 Patreon is NOT some porn site or even raunchy.  It's a site designed for writers, artists,etc to help promote their crafts. Stephanie's raunchy pay for view content can only be accessed via her YouTube channel.  





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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

@SugarPuff wrote:

@colliemom4 Patreon is NOT some porn site or even raunchy.  It's a site designed for writers, artists,etc to help promote their crafts. Stephanie's raunchy pay for view content can only be accessed via her YouTube channel. 


This tells you that nudity is allowed on the site etc.

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

@colliemom4 Yes it's allowed but the way your  post reads it makes sound like Patreon is a raunchy site which couldn't be farther from the truth. 

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

@SugarPuff wrote:

@colliemom4 Yes it's allowed but the way your  post reads it makes sound like Patreon is a raunchy site which couldn't be farther from the truth. 


I don't know what it was initially set up for but many women are making money from it cooking nude etc. I'm not going to say anything more on this topic.

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Re: Before the 90 Days--New Season 2/23/20

@colliemom4    Hope nobody is deep frying Smiley Surprised


The only way I would make money cooking nude is that people would probably pay me to stop.....