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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@SandySparkles   KIRK!  And PICARD  and JANEWAY!   They were all the Captains needed for their separate adventures.

Who but the intrepid KIRK could face the unknown of where no man had gone before?

We the viewer were cast into the worlds and workings of the final frontier along with The captain and diverse crew who obviously Knew their stuff.


Picard was a wonderful Captain for a more "policy" driven show. The Prime Directive

was well established in these Starfleet members.  Picard guided his Young crew through the trials and tribulations of Understanding.  He was a supportive Captain  who would put the questions to his  senior staff  for views and ideas.  " Make it so" was an encouraging order.  It gave the power to his crewmember.

Never more noticeable as when another Captain, when giving and order, said " Get it Done."  It was like the crew was only there to do that Captains bidding, which they were, but not allowed any power whatsoever.  


Janeway  was the Captain for an untested crew thrown together by disaster.  She had to be Leader and Peacemaker  to a group of dissimilar people with vastly different views who had to come together somehow in order to survive in a Unfamiliar universe.  and hopefully find a way back home. 

The Hardest working Captain of them all. 

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

The best line in one of the last movies, by William Shatner, was as they were on their last mission for the Voyager, Capitan Kirk told Mr Zulu at the controls,  WARP SPEED, SECOND STAR TO THE RIGHT!  I think they were defying orders and not going to retire the ship.  The original cast was the best.

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

Sorry got the ship wrong, Enterprise,  At 72, and a Trekkie, I should have remembered that the Voyager was the next  space craft.

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

I an mot a fan of Star Trek but I have watched because my of my husband.  Mostly the ones with Patrick Stewart in the series, and all the Star Trek movies he's been in.  My husband is also a huge autograph person.  Likes getting celebrities autographs to sign stuff.  Not just TV/movies but also sports, musiciians....anybody and everybody.  I've been to a Star Trek convention with him and it's an eye opener.  My husband has met William Shatner many times and said he is very full of himself and not the nicest guy.  

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@ScrapHappy  I Like Star Trek.  But...I am not at all surprized about Mr. Shatner.

I was told once to Never make a Celebrity your hero .  They Raerly bear any resemblence to the Character they portray. Better to admire the Character than the actor if you must.

My personal thought In Mr. Shatners defence is,  He's been in the public eye for nearly 70 years.  That's Millions of people who know his face. Strangers feel they "Know" him but it is not humanly possible for him to know them.  It must be tiring to bring up something you did half a century ago Over and Over again.

But, if he is going to choose to appear at those Conventions he should at least make an effort to be kind. 

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@candys mine wrote:

@ScrapHappy  I Like Star Trek.  But...I am not at all surprized about Mr. Shatner.

I was told once to Never make a Celebrity your hero .  They Raerly bear any resemblence to the Character they portray. Better to admire the Character than the actor if you must.

My personal thought In Mr. Shatners defence is,  He's been in the public eye for nearly 70 years.  That's Millions of people who know his face. Strangers feel they "Know" him but it is not humanly possible for him to know them.  It must be tiring to bring up something you did half a century ago Over and Over again.

But, if he is going to choose to appear at those Conventions he should at least make an effort to be kind. 

"Word" is that he feels over shadowed by Spock (Leonard Nemoy).  Spocks character became more popular than William Shatner's and he considered himself the star of the show.  When signing autographs at conventions, there is usually conversation(s) between actor and the fans standing in their lines.  William Shatner always talks about himself, how he carried the show, etc. 

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

I've been to several conventions including a panel between Nimoy and Shatner. They were very different people, but they were two men who obviously admired the heck out of each other for different reasons. It was very much wise older brother vs younger baby brother vibes. It may have been the last one they did together before LN passed. 


Shatner is a good sport, but the ST fans can be a lot. He's very goodnatured about most of it, but he does love to tell the fans to get out and touch grass every once in a while. It's good for them.


And there are definitely those that absolutely need to "get a life" outside of the fandom. I had my own experience with one in line to get KM's autograph. God bless them, a few of them are the smartest, yet strangest peeps you'll ever meet. 🖖

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

No; outside of being aware of tribbles, I know nothing about Star Trek.  I tried to watch with my husband, but the interest just wasn't there.

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

I’d listen to Patrick Stewart read the phone book. 🤣

I was of the Next Generation “generation”.

I also like Shatner and Avery Brooks (Sisko, Deep Space Nine).

Favorite character is Worf (Michael Dorn)!
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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@SandySparkles wrote:

It all began with the USS Starship Enterprise! I have been a Star Trek fan since first watching with my parents many, many sunsets ago!💝 I was CAPTIVATED by the now cheesy, but delightful special effects!😁 Those special effects were cutting edge! Intergalactic species, storylines, colorful wardrobe, space age makeup, intense music during fighting scenes all made for an enjoyable 30 minutes of TV time!❤️❤️❤️❤️


I thought Captain James .T . Kirk aka William Shatner was one of the most handsome men I had EVER seen and had a huge crush. I would have explored strange new worlds with him!!! Whew!💝😁 I LOVE❤️ Patrick Stewart as the straight-laced Captain Jean Luc-Picard!💝


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

@SandySparkles  As someone who considers Star Trek synonymous with Star Wars, I am probably not the best person to answer this.  LOL.  Although my husband was a big fan of both franchises along with my kids.  


As such, I really don't have a favorite Captain, but I do have a favorite Commander, affectionately known as Number One, Jonathan Frakes.  I really liked him back in the day.  His first wife was the late DebraLee Scott from Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman and his current wife is Genie Francis, of General Hospital. ❤

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