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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

One Lady washes her dishes in the washing machine with her clothes and one washes her clothes in her pool !  one is looking for a wedding dress for her daughter at a pon shop  Talk about frugal !

Why would you wash clothes in a pool? If you can afford all the chemicals, water and electricity for a pool you certainly can afford a washer. Unless she never put chemicals in the pool. In which case it would be green. Ewwwww.

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

One Lady washes her dishes in the washing machine with her clothes and one washes her clothes in her pool !  one is looking for a wedding dress for her daughter at a pon shop  Talk about frugal !

Why would you wash clothes in a pool? If you can afford all the chemicals, water and electricity for a pool you certainly can afford a washer. Unless she never put chemicals in the pool. In which case it would be green. Ewwwww.

I turned to this show.  I found this lady interesting.  She is very classy, lives in a beautiful home and her daughters are lovely.  I guess she can afford the house by saving money not opening the fridge.  lol.  Oh have her daughters participate in beauty pagents. 

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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

I recorded this show and watched it last night.


I really can't believe that this is not exaggerated for the show. Who the heck does these things? 



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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

@scatcat wrote:

Seemed fake and exaggerated to me. Buying paper plates and Saran Wrap is not cost effective. You can buy plastic plates at Target for 50 cents. Dish soap is cheap. Water doesn't cost $300 month is you watch it.  

Cheese sandwiches for a wedding? I'm not buying it.


The coupon shows were another head scratcher.  buying 100 packages of tic tacs for $1 doesn't feed your family. You can't eat or use 100 packages of Tums before they expire. It was just another hoarding show 

I agree. A lot of these shows are scripted and they admit it. 


I did enjoy watching the couponing show and while they did save money it was for stuff they probably wouldn't use or would donate.  Years later is was announced that the show was all prearranged and that stores have policies that don't allow a majority of things shown in the show.  The ideas presented could work on a small scale though when you're talking about 2 or 3 packages.


Nowadays, coupons are fewer and fewer, have a short life span, and expire before you get to use them but I still save them when I see them for things I use.  When I'm ready to buy an item I look through them to see if I have a coupon but otherwise I don't use them.  I never usually have more than 10 or 20 at a time so it's not that big a deal (pardon the pun). :smileyhappy:

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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

Is anybody else still watching this?


I am still compelled to watch, but some of these people really freaking pi$$ me off.


The wedding situation with that one family is just dreadful.  It's bad enough that the second daughter gets 25% less to do her wedding, but the things that mother does are so awful.


The man who is a SAH dad is also just beyond.  


I think those are the two families that actually anger me.


Yet, I keep watching.  Smiley Embarassed

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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

One Lady washes her dishes in the washing machine with her clothes and one washes her clothes in her pool !  one is looking for a wedding dress for her daughter at a pon shop  Talk about frugal !

Why would you wash clothes in a pool? If you can afford all the chemicals, water and electricity for a pool you certainly can afford a washer. Unless she never put chemicals in the pool. In which case it would be green. Ewwwww.

I once saw a family washing their dishes in the kiddy pool after the kids swam in there.  Gross!


Saving pennies on water is not for me.

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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

Soooo, yup, I'm still watching this freak show.


New crazy, for me anyway - the woman who has the daughter getting married (for $750 or less), tells how they don't use toilet paper in their house.


She has a bucket with bleach in it by the toilet and they use these rags, in lieu of toilet paper.  They put the dirty rags in the buck of bleach and then, when it's laundry day, she just dumps THE WHOLE THING in the washer!  Whaaaaaat???


I'm freaked out.   Am I weirder than I already thought I was?  Does this seem any kind of normal or ok?  I would not want krap in my washing machine.  Just no.


They are winding down to the wedding now and I just cannot believe the food they are making for the wedding.  She got a good deal on a bunch of cucumbers so it's cucumber sandwiches and some other cucumber stuff.  (Hey peeps - eat before you go!)


I don't know for sure why I cannot look away.  I'm a reasonable person who is big on not being wasteful but most of what I see here is just way way way too far.   It seems to entertain me, though, so how twisted am I?  Smiley Very Happy



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Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

@chickenbutt wrote:

Soooo, yup, I'm still watching this freak show.


New crazy, for me anyway - the woman who has the daughter getting married (for $750 or less), tells how they don't use toilet paper in their house.


She has a bucket with bleach in it by the toilet and they use these rags, in lieu of toilet paper.  They put the dirty rags in the buck of bleach and then, when it's laundry day, she just dumps THE WHOLE THING in the washer!  Whaaaaaat???


I'm freaked out.   Am I weirder than I already thought I was?  Does this seem any kind of normal or ok?  I would not want krap in my washing machine.  Just no.


They are winding down to the wedding now and I just cannot believe the food they are making for the wedding.  She got a good deal on a bunch of cucumbers so it's cucumber sandwiches and some other cucumber stuff.  (Hey peeps - eat before you go!)


I don't know for sure why I cannot look away.  I'm a reasonable person who is big on not being wasteful but most of what I see here is just way way way too far.   It seems to entertain me, though, so how twisted am I?  Smiley Very Happy



@chickenbutt @Your not twisted  ,  it's hums. Nature li,e when there is a a. Ice tea on the highway you want to not look,  but you can't help yourself  .  😉

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Posts: 77
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Anyone watching the new show "So Freakin Cheap " on TLC tonight ?

@chickenbutt wrote:

Soooo, yup, I'm still watching this freak show.


New crazy, for me anyway - the woman who has the daughter getting married (for $750 or less), tells how they don't use toilet paper in their house.


She has a bucket with bleach in it by the toilet and they use these rags, in lieu of toilet paper.  They put the dirty rags in the buck of bleach and then, when it's laundry day, she just dumps THE WHOLE THING in the washer!  Whaaaaaat???


I'm freaked out.   Am I weirder than I already thought I was?  Does this seem any kind of normal or ok?  I would not want krap in my washing machine.  Just no.


They are winding down to the wedding now and I just cannot believe the food they are making for the wedding.  She got a good deal on a bunch of cucumbers so it's cucumber sandwiches and some other cucumber stuff.  (Hey peeps - eat before you go!)


I don't know for sure why I cannot look away.  I'm a reasonable person who is big on not being wasteful but most of what I see here is just way way way too far.   It seems to entertain me, though, so how twisted am I?  Smiley Very Happy



Great seeing you chickenbutt.  I watched that episode as well and it creeped me out.  Not enough to turn it off, but I kept thinking I should.  LOL.  Yep, no krap in my washing machine either.  I was happy those two kids bought rings!