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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

I feel like I've been intentionally deceived by Bravo with this show. I know it's my own fault. Who believes these "reality" shows are actually real, but still, I at least thought they were based in reality. 


Watching WWHL with the two Toms the other night, and Schwartz saying married life with Katie is "blissful" makes me think Katie the Rage Machine was completely overblown just so they could have a story line. And suddenly Tequila Katie has no problems with drinking and drunk texting? I mean, I'm glad she's no longer the raging B she's been all season but how does someone change so suddenly? I do believe Katie is uber-jealous of Ariana, just like she was with Lala, but now that the wedding's over I hope she starts being nicer to her.


Also, am I the only person who didn't know Scheana and Shay were already divorced and she has a new boyfriend? I was really surprised when she was on WWHL and said her boyfriend was in the audience. Then, showing the two of them on this week's episode celebrating their anniversary seemed so strange. Too bad they couldn't have left that out. 


So if during this season they're still married, does that mean next season we see the marriage fall apart. Or will they just go straight ahead to Scheana's no longer married? 



I think that by the time they start shooting for next season the divorce will be over and she will have moved on and been dating.

Before they split I read an article that he'd taken off with their money and disappeared so when news came that they split it was no surprise.



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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@Tique  You weren't alone watching the wedding, I've been watching all along. I just never post about it because it seems there wasn't much interest, but it's definitely one of my favorite shows on Bravo!


The last two episodes were the best. Everyone has been getting along and love was in the air. The wedding was beautiful, Katie was pretty, and Lisa did a great job officiating. Wedding fever must be contagious because Jax told Brittany there was a wedding in their future (poor girl), and even Ariana seems to be warming up to the idea--if only a little. I'd love to see her tie the knot with Sandoval next season.


Kristen (gag) told Carter she was ready for a ring and naturally Stassi just continued pouting and feeling sorry for herself about being single. She has warmed up to Lisa a bit this doubt realizing where the bread & butter are coming from. I'd love to see Kristen leave the show and wouldn't mind seeing her take Stassi with her. Maybe those two could get married and start a show that I wouldn't watch.

I know, not going to happen.


I expect all that to change next week at the reunion, not with the couples themselves, but with the cast as a whole. 


The scene you missed was Sheana telling Lisa she filed for divorce and then a scene where Shay came home, talked and cried with Scheana, and moved out of their apartment. It seems Shay was rarely coming home and cleaned out a 7K bank account without Scheana's knowledge. She suspects he's back on pills, this time Adderall. It was sad but they never were good together. Sheana always ran over him like a bulldozer, and rather than standing up to her and being a man, he gets high. Not a good combo.


I loved seeing Tom and Jax surprise Schwartz by flying in his triplet brothers. Maybe there is some good in Jax after all. I would have thought maybe Schwartz and Katie could have forgone the dish rag invitations and paid for it themselves, but it made for a nice wedding present and a good storyline.


How about Lisa's offer to the two Tom's to open a new restaurant and become business partners? They'd be fools not to jump on that asap! Of course Sandoval, the one who might actually be a good partner, is chomping at the bit, while Schwartz is being his usual irresponsible self and hemming and hawing around. Personally, I think Lisa only made the offer to Schwartz because of how much she cares about Katie. I think Sandoval will be a big asset, but Schwartz? I just hope he doesn't mess it up for Sandoval.


Anybody else still watching? I'd love to read your comments.

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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@SusieQ_2   I agree with your thoughts on the last two shows. I thought Katie looked beautiful and she actually seemed happy. Although that wouldn't have been my venue of choice, it fit Katie and Schwartz. I didn't care for Lisa's attire. It looked like she was going to officiate at a seance rather than a wedding. I did like her words and surprisingly both Katie and Tom wrote effective vows.


Yes Stassi and Kristin could exit but since it looks like LaLa and James are gone, that probably won't happen. I didn't understand why Jax played that prank on Brittney but I guess that's who he is. Speaking of Jax, going in with Sandoval to bring the triplets to the wedding was an amazing gesture. So amazing that I know it was originally Tom's idea but still a generous deed for both of them to do for their friend.


Thank you for letting me know what ensued between Scheana and Shay. Strange that in today's world someone could clean out an account and the other person would be unaware.


As for the restaurant, Sandoval would be an excellent partner for Lisa and Ken. Schwartz, I have no idea. From what I've seen, he would need a lot of motivation. Maybe that'll come from Katie. I do think that Jax will try to insinuate himself in there, some how.


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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@Tique, I loved reading your comments. I agree with you that Jax will try to worm his way into the deal somehow, and for some reason Lisa has always liked Jax so he just may be able to do it. My guess would be that when Schwartz flakes out, Jax will step in. 


@Wsmom, after seeing last night's episode it seems what you read was exactly right. Shay took the money and ran. He came back, without the money, but with an addiction. Maybe it's time for rehab part 2. Smiley Sad



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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@SusieQ_2    thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments also - not just today's but throughout the thread. I look forward to reading your thoughts after the Reunion shows. I'll post mine also.


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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

I still watch.  The wedding and her dress were beautiful....not exactly my tastes but still beautiful. I don't for a minute believe that Tequila Katie will ever go away although I'm sure the stress of wedding planning came into play for "this" season.  It doesn't account for past seasons though. 


Jax was a jerk to Brittany making her think they were going to break up at the wedding.  SMH!


I knew about Scheana and Shay ever since the split last fall and have been keeping tabs on it.  I'm pretty positive the last two scenes involving Scheana, Shay & LVP were filmed closer to the time it actually happened because the wedding was in August and the split was in November (I believe).  I don't think that Shay is sober either.  But then.....Scheana has a million faults of her own so she contributed very much to the downfall of the marriage (which probably should have never happened anyway).  

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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

I think Katie is very pretty.  She looked beautiful at the wedding.  I did not like her dress at all, but she has a super pretty face.


I like that Stassi is on the show.  At least she is "interesting".  I actually like most of the cast as far as "interest".  They are all a bit of "wastes", but it's good fun to watch.


Lisa V. grew on me a bit this season.  She does seem like a good person deep down, and she seems to truly care about a few of these cast members.  I still stand by my comments about how she can't be called out by anyone--she gets super defensive.  I think she's highly intelligent.

I'd not want the two "Tom's" to run any business of mine.  Schwartz is a cutie, but he's a bit flaky.  I think Sandoval is a bit better at business, but I'm still not sure I'd "trust" him opening up a new restaurant.


I like Brittany, and I think she's so sweet.  I just hope that if Jax and she get married, he stays faithful to her.  I don't think that's possible, but hopefully I'm wrong.


I think Scheana is a snot.  I liked her the first season, and she's the only one I don't really care for out of all of them.  She was so bossy of Shay.  No wonder he's a mess.  I'm sure there's more to the story than what I see, but she tells him what to do, etc. and he appears to feel strangled by her as far as her telling him what to do.  I don't think he thinks she supports him in a way other than financial  She seems super self absorbed.


I see a good side to Kristen--trying to take care of Katie on her wedding day.  She's annoying but has a good heart.


I forgot--I guess I don't like them all--I find Arianna very haughty.

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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

[ Edited ]

I honestly think Sheana married Shay because she knew she could boss him around. She knows very few men will put up with that. She kept sweeping his addiction under the rug to make her marriage look perfect. All those giant wedding pictures in their apartment will have to be burned. I don't care for her at all. She is very interested in herself and little else IMO.

I thought it was terrible that Jax pretended to be breaking up with Brittany. What a jerk.

I hope Schwartz gets his act together and can man up and join forces with Sandoval to run Lisa and Kens new business. He would be crazy to turn that down. I am curious to see what happens with this. She seems very serious and has TOM TOM already chosen as the name. I hope this happens for them. 

The reunion should be interesting...of course I won't miss it!

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Re: Anyone still watching Vanderpump Rules?

@winamac1 wrote:

I think Katie is very pretty.  She looked beautiful at the wedding.  I did not like her dress at all, but she has a super pretty face.


I like that Stassi is on the show.  At least she is "interesting".  I actually like most of the cast as far as "interest".  They are all a bit of "wastes", but it's good fun to watch.


Lisa V. grew on me a bit this season.  She does seem like a good person deep down, and she seems to truly care about a few of these cast members.  I still stand by my comments about how she can't be called out by anyone--she gets super defensive.  I think she's highly intelligent.

I'd not want the two "Tom's" to run any business of mine.  Schwartz is a cutie, but he's a bit flaky.  I think Sandoval is a bit better at business, but I'm still not sure I'd "trust" him opening up a new restaurant.


I like Brittany, and I think she's so sweet.  I just hope that if Jax and she get married, he stays faithful to her.  I don't think that's possible, but hopefully I'm wrong.


I think Scheana is a snot.  I liked her the first season, and she's the only one I don't really care for out of all of them.  She was so bossy of Shay.  No wonder he's a mess.  I'm sure there's more to the story than what I see, but she tells him what to do, etc. and he appears to feel strangled by her as far as her telling him what to do.  I don't think he thinks she supports him in a way other than financial  She seems super self absorbed.


I see a good side to Kristen--trying to take care of Katie on her wedding day.  She's annoying but has a good heart.


I forgot--I guess I don't like them all--I find Arianna very haughty.

LVP is an intesting one.  I think as long as you kiss up to her and do anything she wants she will treat you great but if you disagree with her or don't fall into line that is it.  That Stassi had the audacity to fall out of line was unthinkable to her.


As far as Kristin, on probably WWHL, Scheana, when asked if she and Kristin were friends, said Kristin was the one by her side through the whole divorce drama.  Seems in reality she is a really good friend.


Arianna is extremely haughty...but then again, when you're the one on the outside of those group of girls I can see where she might be.


I agree, Schwartz would be way too flakey to run anything, and I think Sandoval would be in it 100% but only for a short time.  I don't know what his attention span is.  It seems he is flitting around here and there trying to "make it".


Just not a fan of Katie's, but I do like Scheana.  She tried so hard to fit in with those girls and they just ran over her.  If I'm not mistaken she and Shay were together long before the show.  If she hadn't done it they probably would still be married.  He seemed to hate it and that group.