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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

I loved her Gucci glasses she was wearing after the surgery.  I'd love a pair of those.


Yep, I noticed it too.  Her eyes looked different.  I would think though if she was going to have cosmetic eye surgery she would schedule it during their hiatus that they all take mid-Aug thru mid-Sept.  Those women get  so much time off, how great is that?


Joy is too obsessed w/DT.  She can't utter a sentence no matter what the topic is w/o bringing him up or placing blame.  She USED to be funny.



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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

@Katcat1 wrote:

I had cataract surgery in both eyes but not at the same time.  No one will notice that you had the surgery.  When the eye patch comes off the next day, yes, colors are very vibrant but in time that goes back to normal.  If Joy had plastic surgery on her eyes, she would have bruising because cutting is involved.

No, bruising is not always the case. I had my upper lids done last summer. Not one bruise or swelling. 

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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

[ Edited ]

@wildcat fan wrote:

I'll check her out.  I haven't seen her lately.


This reminds me of Lisa Robertson who said she had cataract surgery but now her eyes appear smaller in photos.  I thought it was odd that she wore eye makeup so soon after the surgery.

@wildcat fan 


I noticed that too, she often looks like the sun is in her eyes and she's squinting. But I don't think she gave up the eye liner & false eyelashes at any point. Is it possible that after cataract surgery your irises are more sensitive to light and tha'st why eyes look smaller? A little squinting due to more light now filtering in that you're not used to? I know squat about cataract surgery so that might be a dumb idea. I'm not even sure if it's the iris that gets larger and smaller due to the amount of light. I should google.


I do know many years ago during golfing my husband's friend accidentally on his backswing hit my husband right by his eye. This was in Vegas at a tournament. They had to take him to the hospital. The iris (or whatever it is that opens and closes depending on the light) was permanently paralyzed open after that so he always needed sunglasses if there was any sun at all outside. His face was nasty looking for a couple of weeks after that. He looked like he'd been in a brawl and was the loser.


OH WAIT, maybe PUPIL is the part of the eye I mean, not the iris.

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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

I can't imagine Joy having cosmetic surgery to make her eyes look smaller.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

@jellyBEAN wrote:

I loved her Gucci glasses she was wearing after the surgery.  I'd love a pair of those.


Yep, I noticed it too.  Her eyes looked different.  I would think though if she was going to have cosmetic eye surgery she would schedule it during their hiatus that they all take mid-Aug thru mid-Sept.  Those women get  so much time off, how great is that?


Joy is too obsessed w/DT.  She can't utter a sentence no matter what the topic is w/o bringing him up or placing blame.  She USED to be funny.



@jellyBEAN  Isn't that the truth !   She's so obsessed it would be funny if it wasn't so sad 

hate can affect ones health and looks .  Nough said😉



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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

@Kitty Galore wrote:

@jellyBEAN wrote:

I loved her Gucci glasses she was wearing after the surgery.  I'd love a pair of those.


Yep, I noticed it too.  Her eyes looked different.  I would think though if she was going to have cosmetic eye surgery she would schedule it during their hiatus that they all take mid-Aug thru mid-Sept.  Those women get  so much time off, how great is that?


Joy is too obsessed w/DT.  She can't utter a sentence no matter what the topic is w/o bringing him up or placing blame.  She USED to be funny.



@jellyBEAN  Isn't that the truth !   She's so obsessed it would be funny if it wasn't so sad 

hate can affect ones health and looks .  Nough said😉


Based on your statement, the hate surely shows. Joy looks great though!


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Joy Behar looks very happy!💛🌼

[ Edited ]

@sunshine45 wrote:

whether or not she did or didnt doesnt really matter.

she doesnt need to make any type of announcement if she had more done.

cataract surgery can be done on both eyes in one day OR just a few days apart. it is not common, but it can be done on the same day.


my mom had lasik surgery done AND some cosmetic eye surgery done on the same day.


more power to joy.


ITA with everything you said.


I have a feeling the younger generation of today doesn’t have

that “OMG She Had A Something Done!!!” feeling that the yesteryear

folks have.  In my lifetime, cosmetic surgery was hush-hush...

so yes, it was a whispered topic....and TODAY when someone tries to

make cosmetic surgery a ‘gossip’ narrative, I can almost guess the age

and of course, gender, of that person. It’ll be so refreshing 20yrs from now

when it won’t be a big deal. Young adults of today just...don’t care. 

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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

@mom2four0418: LOL! Love it, couldn't have said it better myself Woman LOL

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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

@sunshine45 wrote:

@sunshine 919 


she DOES look fantastic at her age!

she will be 77 this year!

still sharp and going strong.

I find her disgusting and unattractive in every way


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Re: Anyone else noticed Joy Behar's eyes after the cataract surgery--think it was much more!

cataract surgery is not the same as lasic surgery, it’s laser surgery.  They insert permanent lenses into your eyes. I had mine done about a month apart and I swear my eyes do look smaller.  Don’t know why but they do.