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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

I lost a little interest because they focused too much on the parents.  I want to see the kids but they must be running out of ideas for things to film.  Poor Hazel, you can notice the nystagmus sometimes.  I think she will need another surgery.  She seems more quiet now, in the recent episodes.  

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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

It is really getting old...especially the  Father’s expression with his eyes rolling up.

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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?


No, it was not MiMi’s house that was repaired.   The house The Busby’s helped on was for a family there in Houston who was still struggling to repair their home after the flooding last year.   The family of 4 was living in a camper on their front lawn.   


It is my understanding that MiMi’s house is owned by daughter Ashley and her husband.   The house was heavily damaged, and I’m not sure if it’s repairable.   


MiMi told Danielle she is going for a realtors license, and will stay/work in Houston.   


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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

@drizzellla wrote:

I seem to have lost interest in watching Outdaughtered. When they let 2 1/2 year olds crack open eggs and pour oil by themselves, when they were "baking".


I got to thinking that I am watching too much TV. Time to turn it off and do something constructive.

I am amazed at what she lets them do.  When they were in the store and they made a big mess, going to her sisters house without diapers and thought it was funny when the girls made messes.  

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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@kelsey17 It seems that way to me too.  That young mom needs her head checked.


You missed a few weeks ago where she was letting these toddlers put stickers on GLASS jars for Valentines day.


Needless to say they were falling on the tile floor breaking to pieces on after the other.  She went running over yelling, "No!  Don't get down", just as another one broke!


It's crazy!  This wasn't the first time she's done some really ding dong things like that!  I guess that's the producer's idea of 'interesting' TV?  It's definitely mindless TV although I love looking at those cute kids.


I just sit there shaking my this for real?  No!  Ha!


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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@kelsey17 It seems that way to me too.  That young mom needs her head checked.


You missed a few weeks ago where she was letting these toddlers put stickers on GLASS jars for Valentines day.


Needless to say they were falling on the tile floor breaking to pieces on after the other.  She went running over yelling, "No!  Don't get down", just as another one broke!


It's crazy!  This wasn't the first time she's done some really ding dong things like that!  I guess that's the producer's idea of 'interesting' TV?  It's definitely mindless TV although I love looking at those cute kids.


I just sit there shaking my this for real?  No!  Ha!

I think the husband Adam has a heck of a lot more common sense than the Mom does. Taking those children to someone else house to pee everwhere and laughing at it, she does act dingy, with NOT good common sense, I would Not appreciate it either. And the boutique she takes them to, to just destroy and buy panties that were probably 3 times as much than just getting some panties at someplace like Wal Mart. to start off with, makes no sense to me. And I feel she makes more work for herself buy doing these upper level crafts with glass, and all the raw eggs to clean up when trying to make cupcakes, with 2 year olds, ridiculous to me. I also feel she is in such denial about Hazel and having surgery, I agree with Adam. As a pediatric R.N. in surgery the younger the child, the quicker healing and why wait and keep putting off, and putting off, agonizing more and more,I just am in Adams corner on this. No need to bring all the other children to the hospital for the surgery, every family member you have, there is no need in all this, and believe me hospital nurses and doctors do not like all this added confusion, like she did on Hazel's first surgery. Ridiculous. And yes I do have children and have been thru this. Just my opinion on this show.To much.


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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

It's gotten where they will give any idiot their own reality show. I admit I've not watched Outdaughtered, but am certain it can't be as bad as say Honey Boo Boo.  I don't watch it either, but when flipping channels I saw enough to utterly disgust me. It basically was HBB  & her kin passing gas. This is entertainment?

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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?



Agree with you all.  I can't get enough of the precious kids---especially Hazel.

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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?

Thanks for the info, @RedTop.  I guess I have missed more than I have seen.  Like I said in my above post, I don't even know what their time slot is.



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Re: Anybody Still Watching Outdaughtered?


I watch on Tuesdays on TLC, starting at 7 p.m.