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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

I still think that bruise on Rafe's face is real.  It even looks swollen and I don't think it's makeup.  It just doesn't make sense to have it as part of the story, because nothing ever came of it.  Nobody ever mentions it.


I really think JJ needs to turn in his badge for good.  He had no reason to shoot Theo.  Theo never once aimed anything at JJ.  He practically had his back turned away from JJ the whole time.  JJ is an idiot.  If they had to get rid of Theo, they should have picked a better reason, ie: he gets run over by a trolley car, falls off a subway platform, the hot air balloon bursts, he falls into Will's empty grave and a load of rocks fall on top of him, he trips over one of Thomas' toy cars and slides off a cliff, etc.........

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

[ Edited ]

@Shelbelle, etc. here it is, the "deleted" scenes the actor who plays Theo posted in anger when he learned he was let go.  These are his last scenes.  The dark-haired girl is the new Ciara.


It's a 100% safe link, no worries.  ETA:  It took me a minute to remember to press play LOL.


safe link to "deleted" video of Theo's last scenes which include new Ciara

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

@sophiamarie, I'm with you. Rafe's face looked terrible so I think he had an accident in real life.  Maybe they couldn't cover it with makeup while it healed.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

I just saw some pretty good scenes coming up.   Looks like DAYS is getting some better days ahead.  

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

Bet those tears were real...

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

Are you talking about his clobber mark  on his cheeck bone  on the right side of his face? I didn't see him get slugged by anyone. But I some times fall a sleep during the show.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

@LoriLori  Paralyzed people don't look like that. They are making it look like he's normal, just paralyzed. Much more to it than that.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

@Judaline wrote:

@LoriLori  Paralyzed people don't look like that. They are making it look like he's normal, just paralyzed. Much more to it than that.


@Judaline, IMO we can add to the horrible unprofessionalism of him posting the scenes his awful acting in them.  He wasn't even trying.  At one point he looks like he's laughing.  So the paralysis,  I think it's the actor not selling it, you know?  



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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

Our Mama Wick's theory's was correct. Will thinks he is EJ and Susan is his mother!! Great work, Mama!!
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 11/06

@Judaline, and God bless you, I know you know about this subject.  How can I ever forget that post.  I am so sorry.