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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

[ Edited ]

@IlliniGirl88 wrote:

QUESTION:  Just what is so special about Steve's bionic eye?  Does it only allow him to see or did he get the deluxe package which gives him some super power, like the Six Million $$$ Man? 


Did you see John drag that chocolate covered strawberry through Doc's hair and then eat it???  Then, if that wasn't bad enough, he started kissing her with a mouthful of food!  Come on, John, that is NOT romantic!Woman Tongue

Eww, those two eating and kissing with their mouths full, disgusting. Do they think it's turning us on? That whole show was a waste of my time. 


If I hear Steve say one more time what his wonderful wife did to get him his bionic eye I am going to barf. You have one good eye, Steve, but you cover it up. Go figure, and no we haven't forgotten.


Rather than look at that pitiful face on Jennifer, I hope she calls the whole engagement off. Oh, wait, then I'd have to look at Eric's pitiful face each DAY. Tell  him the truth, Jennifer, and put us all out of our misery.


Don't think for a minute Victor is going to involve Eve in what he did. That would be pointless. DAYS wants us to think otherwise. Big cliffhanger. Not

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

@IlliniGirl88 wrote:

QUESTION:  Just what is so special about Steve's bionic eye?  Does it only allow him to see or did he get the deluxe package which gives him some super power, like the Six Million $$$ Man? 


Did you see John drag that chocolate covered strawberry through Doc's hair and then eat it???  Then, if that wasn't bad enough, he started kissing her with a mouthful of food!  Come on, John, that is NOT romantic!Woman Tongue

@IlliniGirl88  Yup!!  Saw that!!!  When I saw the strawberry, I thought, oh no, here it comes, thinking whipped cream hadda be next.  Poor Doc's gonna ruin her pillowcase from all that chocolate in her hair.  Wait!!!  It's just a show!!!!  :-)   


How late did Brady sleep if Eve had already gotten up, gotten ready, and was out the door in time to get to Victor's without waking Brady??  And where do they keep their clothes?  Maybe there's a closet inside the bathoom.  Wait!!!  It's just a show!!!!  :-)


Jennifer had to go to The Pub, of all places, to work????  Doesn't The Spectator have an official office???   Wait!!!   It's just a show!!!!   :-)


Judy Evans' hairdresser did not do a favor by cutting the back of her hair so short.  The whole cut is just so severe.  She looked better with longer, looser hair.  Just my two cents.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

Re: changing the paternity results.  She didn't change the results on the lab computer like Sami did years ago.  I "presume" she opened the envelope, saw Chad was the Dad so she must have used a computer (Kayla's?) to make up a similar  page and put Stefan's name on it.   Of course as soon as we saw the envelope delivered and her sitting there, we knew she would snoop and change it to the name she wanted it to be. University Hospital sure does not follow privacy rules.  The results should have been given directly to Kayla--after all she handles everything from maternity cases, to accident cases, Steve's case even though  he is her husband.  (it is just a "show"!)

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

@Daysdee, toss in an occasional heart transplant too. How can Brady not have even a tiny scar after getting Daniel's heart? They show him shirtless often enough.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

Also, remember when Philip Kiriakis lost his leg when he was in the military.  All of a sudden no mention of it and in scenes he did have both legs.  

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

@Daysdee wrote:

Also, remember when Philip Kiriakis lost his leg when he was in the military.  All of a sudden no mention of it and in scenes he did have both legs.  

And didn't Daniel operate on Jennifer at the cabin-on the couch! Operated on her heart I think. Against all odds! Or do I have my characters wrong?

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

Not to forget that Phillip also had a face transplant too!!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

Also, Philip had a face transplant. 


At the cabin, Daniel took out Jen's appendix.  He put her heart back in at the prison.  She is another without a scar.  So there is Claire (liver transplant), Brady (heart transplant), and Jennifer (heart removed and reimplanted).  By the way, both Claire and Brady would be on lifelong antirejection medications along with prednisone (steroid).  Philip would be on the antirejection meds, too, because of the face transplant. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

@MamaWick wrote:

Also, Philip had a face transplant. 


At the cabin, Daniel took out Jen's appendix.  He put her heart back in at the prison.  She is another without a scar.  So there is Claire (liver transplant), Brady (heart transplant), and Jennifer (heart removed and reimplanted).  By the way, both Claire and Brady would be on lifelong antirejection medications along with prednisone (steroid).  Philip would be on the antirejection meds, too, because of the face transplant. 

They know how to give us 'shock value' but then they don't follow thru. We are supposed to forget it ever happened-or turn a blind eye. 

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 07/30/2018

@Judaline wrote:

@Daysdee wrote:

Also, remember when Philip Kiriakis lost his leg when he was in the military.  All of a sudden no mention of it and in scenes he did have both legs.  

And didn't Daniel operate on Jennifer at the cabin-on the couch! Operated on her heart I think. Against all odds! Or do I have my characters wrong?

@Judaline-  Your memory is spot on.  Dr. Dan did heart surgery on Jen in the cabin, but I thought he did it on the dining table, you know, for a bit more support and he could wipe it down when he was finished.  He'd have left a big 'ol stain if he'd have done surgery on the sofa and where do you buy a new sofa in Salem???