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All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

Is it spring where you are?  I think it is starting to get here (Wisconsin).

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

@MamaWick didn't know you are a fellow Wisconsinite.  Yes, we've had some above normal temperatures this weekend.  Nothing like Salem, IL where artificial flowers bloom year round.  

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

@AuntG  I will always be from St. Louis, but have lived in WI since 09/2005 (DH job brought us here).  I love WI, even the harsh winters (I work at home, but my commute tripled from 10 feet to 30 feet when we moved here).

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

Today, was the good byes for Edurado from his family at the police station.Even Kate.


Rest more or less about Tripp and Ava,etc.


Vic gave Demios a warning about Hope and Gabbie!

preds 06-21-20
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

@AuntG, @MamaWick

You ladies aren't that far from Salem, IL.


I didn't think the show today was anything special. Eduardo in handcuffs, Deimos drinking cognac, Tripp all worked up about his mother, and on and on it goes. Looking forward to a little more excitement tomorrow.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

@MamaWick wrote:

Is it spring where you are?  I think it is starting to get here (Wisconsin).

@MamaWick  -  We always vacationed in Door County.  I could go for a good fish boil and a slice of cherry pie!Heart

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

Joey appears ready to spill his guts.  Did he have a romantic relationship with Tripp's mom?

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

Hi @AuntG   If Joey is going to spill his guts, I guarantee Steve and Sweetness will swoop in at the last possible second because it takes Joey soooo loooong to spit out his lines.  How many times does he need to be told not to say anything??  Dummy.  No wonder he's going.  I actually think the actor playing Tripp is doing a very good job.  The voice that was supposedly Ava yesterday on those CDs, definitely did not sound like THE Ava. 


So I guess this is how Eduardo makes his exit, by going to jail?  Rafe can overlook what he and Hope did with Stefano, but he can't overlook what his own dad did?  I mean, not that any police officer should overlook anything, but this is a soap and in soapland you can do anything!


Where is Arianna all the time??  No one ever mentions school for anyone. 

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

Joey should only tell Tripp how Ava seduced him to get back at his family. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 04/10

How did Creepy Scooter get into Nicole's house?  Does he have a key?  Do they not lock the door?  Hill said she'd like to strangle Scooter, well maybe that should be arranged!