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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

I just loved the disguises.   Oh, and I think they were all wearing glasses too.  Sunglasses would have been a little better.  I swear - it's getting worse and worse by the DAY.  If Steve could recognize Clyde in a nanosecond, I bet Tatertot and Thomas could spot the others in a minute at least.


So, how come the door shut in the "panic" room when the lights went out in Salem??  How clever..... Not.....


******e - I'm still trying to figure out what "frate" is..... Can I have a clue please????

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

@Judaline  sorry - I meant "frat"....Probably some show I don't watch??  Is carp the same as krap???

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

@sophiamarie  I'm the one who says carp instead of krap as I don't like that word.  So, is the same (to me)

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

[ Edited ]

@sophiamarie Just rearrange the letters-you can do it. Reverse the r and the a. I'll bet you're going," oh duh" right now.


You know how when a child is taken say at a mall, all the gates come down, everything is locked-automatically? Well, that's the kind of security system Chad has at DiMansion. I'm sure Stefano always had it-he lived on the edge. And just because Chad and Gabi are locked in there-alone-together, why do they have to become intimate. I know this has to be a tease. And like how long could they be in there, 24 hours or such? And she's got a little girl-she should be thinking about her, not Chad. The plot sickens.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19



When Hope left Kayla's house, she made Joey lock the door.  In the next scene, when he leaves, the door is unlocked.  He just turned the knob and walked out.  I'll have to watch for door locks now???  I'm constantly looking for stove knobs that are askew!!!


Terrible, terrible disguises on those three escapees.  Was anyone else in town wearing winter hats besides them??  All bundled up for snow.


How corny was the scene in Jen's living room trying to make the awful teens stay put?   Charades??  Seriously???  What bugs me about Jen's house is that kitchen door.  Notice when people go through it, there's not enough room in the hallway/kitchen to even open the door.  It only opens like a foot or so then the actors have to hold the door open so they can slip behind it.







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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

@BarbiHollywood   Joey is on such a guilt trip now, I hate to see what this is going to do to him (I only left her for a minute-that's all crooks need, Joe-Bob). Kids toDAY. Now Claire. Dumb.


I've never even seen Jennifer's kitchen door. I know everybody goes back there to get cookies and tea, but they never let us see the door. Maybe you have a giant screen, lol.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

@twinsister wrote:

Adrienne and Justin are so mismatched and their scenes together are very awkward. Maybe the actors feel the same way - zero chemistry.


Why was Adrienne wearing a wig today?

HAHAHA   Twin, I was thinking the same thing about Adrienne's wig!!   It was so obvious.  Couldn't she find a more natural looking one!!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

[ Edited ]

I really have a problem with the way they had Theo act today......he's been involved with Claire,  and now he is acting like he did at 4 years old.....have him act normal, please!


Maybe Ariana will get up and let her grandfather in the locked door.....


You can not tell me that Theo doesn't know that it's Lucas and Adrienne at the door.....

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

Did you see it??? Did you see when Orpheus sat down in his nice easy chair and his coffee???? He was holding the cup with one hand and gesturing wildly at Steve with the other!!! No gun!!! He must have put it down and Steve didn't make a move!!!!! I thought I would jump thru the screen and knock some sense into Steve. Dumb and dumber. Ya blew it, Steve. But thanks for the laughs about Larry, Curly and Moe.


mama, someone used the carp word-did you hear it? 


One could only remember the hot room with Carrie and........(who?) and that song playing. snow I think you knew that song at the time but I can't remember the title. The world's worst scene.


I really didn't think it was necessary to strip that far down toDAY, Chad. Gabi didn't. Have to give Gabs credit. No implants. Hard to find a gal toDAY without 'em.


I so agree about Theo reverting to his autistic side. Can stress really do that? I don't know.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk 09/19

@mishka14  This was absolutely normal for Theo to act this way.  Remember, he is autistic (albeit high functioning).  This was too much for him to take. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix