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Re: All things DAYS, week of 04/25

@Judaline  Bo killed Aiden. 


In one of his confessions (to either Kate or Nicole), Deimos mentioned "my employer" who wanted the serum.  Uh, okay.  Then was John's father his employer?  Stef?  Andre?  Who else? 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: All things DAYS, week of 04/25

I assumed it was Johns father who wanted the serum, he had same illness as Caroline, John knows all this, so do Steve and Marlena after his fsther's death, didnt they share all the info with Hope , makes no sense to me. And Deimos did let Hppe know that he was also involved.

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Re: All things DAYS, week of 04/25

Aiden, you got some serious splaining to do!!!!

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: All things DAYS, week of 04/25

He sure does.


 Why didn't they bring him back sooner to help his son when he need some one to talk too??


Shaking my head wondering what next will the writers do to bring us a good story line??

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."