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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

@BarbiHollywood - I thought the same thing about Victor's briefcase not being damaged.  Agree that Justin and Maggie took too long to read the will.  I would have been flipping over the pages real fast. It is surprising that Victor would hide that Alex is his son.   Is Maggie still wearing a wig? She definitely needs a new style.


As usual, the residents of Salem discuss their secrets out in the open for anyone to hear.  I don't know how Rex or Philip didn't see Chloe.  At this rate, the whole town is going to know about Sarah's "secret".









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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

I know if they took any longer to read the will ,  I mean get on with it ! Can you imagine if that were you and stalling about something  so very important to your life I mean really ?

I didn't see Alex being Vuctors son till I saw the look on Justin's face and then I put it together.   I think Maggie is wearing a wig .    Rex should nit have been openly telling such a secret to Phillip ,  besides the more people that know a secret the more chances it will get out ...stupid .


speaking about wigs I feel Sarah is wearing a wig ,  I've thought it for awhile .  It is just so unflattering though ,   If your going to wear  one get a nice style .   Those ugly side burns that curve back look terrible she needs to update everything !   

oh @BarbiHollywood  i think,   I could be wrong that hotel room in London is that roach hotel room Sarah and Zander stayed in among others,  just with little tweaks .  

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

@Kitty Galore  Ha!  Those same cheap sets are so overused!!!!  Did you notice The One Female Extra was in the outdoor cafe (wherever Ava and Harris are)?  They think plopping a wig on is gonna make a difference.  And in The Pub when Rex and Sarah were getting married, The One Male Extra was in the background sitting in the booth??  That's one guy who tries so harrrd to get face-time on-camera!!  


When I was chatting with Kyle Lowder a few weeks ago, he said he really enjoyed working with Linsey (Sarah) and commented how teeny-tiny she is!  

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

I think the fact that the letter said ALEXANDER means Xander, not necessarily Alex.


But we'll have to wait and see.

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

@BarbiHollywood wrote:

I think the fact that the letter said ALEXANDER means Xander, not necessarily Alex.


But we'll have to wait and see.

@BarbiHollywood -  I have read on some other sites that Xander's real name is Alexandros.  In Salem anything is possible.

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

It has to be Alex since the letter was signed by Anjelica, and she is Alex's mother. 

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

My thought (and hope) is that Jeanie Theresa changed the letter and signature from Xander's mother (whose first name we do not know, but maiden name is Cook).  Perhaps her name is also Anjelica.  Hey!  It could happen.  

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

I was also thinking that Teresa did something that we dont know about, Why else did we see her open the box and reading the letters?

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Re: All Things DAYS--SEPTEMBER 2023

Is D**k Van ****** gone from the show?   I don't remember if John said he went back to the veteran's home.  I enjoyed his episodes.