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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

The Wedding was again a disaster for Days, too many interruptions and again a circus. I could understand Vivian showing up after all Lani shot her son but for Gabby to race in was a no brainer why would she in real life care?  She moved on a long time ago. The Mother getting ill and leaving was stupid and I saw no reason for her to leave.  I hope the other weddings are not going to be one disaster after another. The only good thing about the program today was I think in my mind anyway Chad is not the one who drugged Abbey.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

Maybe because I'm not a fan of Lani, I thought the whole wedding was just a drag with all the foolish interruptions. And the mother leaving. Why would any mother leave? She would have a cookie and sit there and wait for 15 minutes for the ceremony to be over.  Plus, I thought Julie was annoying. I am hoping that Ben  and Ciara wedding is as good as they come like bo and hopes.  

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

[ Edited ]

I@cowboy sam 




Hope was annoying me, nibbling on what, raisins? OK maybe olives or mushrooms on the pizza, but they were tiny bits! She always eats that way on camera.  (maybe off camera too) I was surprised when the larger piece went in her mouth! When the camera panned toward Rafe she probably removed it. 😝 


I think Lani’s mother is going to die (or run off with Val’s date  😆  updated OK I WAS WRONG!

All I know is that if my daughter was getting married and I got to my feet, I would have stayed for the wedding!


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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

@twinsister Ciera is terrified of Claire as they all should be . She is never going to be okay mentally.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

@cowboy sam The writers for this show are very disturbed. It's turning into a bizarre Twilight Zone/bad nightmare days go by. No Happiness at all..

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)


why,oh why didn't Ciara react more to her wedding dress and act like she didn't gave any idea how finger nail polish got on them??


Come on writers.....  why  was more important for her to make out once again with Ben  instead of "her: saying..i wonder how that polish got on those dresses


and  we all know ,,Claire did it!   SMH!Smiley Mad

preds 06-21-20
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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

[ Edited ]

I felt Claire was going to tell the dress shop that Ciara wanted the first dress and when she went to pick it up, she'd be stuck with the one that looks like the wedding cake topper.


Edit to say:  maybe Ciara will wear Hope's magnificent dress.


SECOND EDIT:  moving this to the July thread...oops.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

I really don't think that Ciara should have allowed her to be the maid of honor but beside that fact I'm thinking maybe the writers  are making it look like Claire is the guilty one when actually maybe someone is using her as a scapegoat.  I wish Claire had not come back to the show but I'm thinking who knows what they are trying to put a twist to.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

@KBEANS I thought that was the most they have ever aten on that show. That pizza looked so goood!!!!!Thay have been eating pizza on that show alot lately.

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Re: All Things DAYS--JUNE 2020--(possible spoilers)

@cowboy sam What isSMH! ?