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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

@brandiwine - Agree with everything you said! 

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

Will and Sonny exit Salem next week

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

Just read the guy who played Nicholas Alamain has died. Cody someone. I don't recall him or his real name. Looks very young.

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

@Judaline wrote:

Just read the guy who played Nicholas Alamain has died. Cody someone. I don't recall him or his real name. Looks very young.

The character began as a young child, then they aged him to an adult, I see the guy now on Hallmark movies. 

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

@Shelbelle wrote:

@Judaline wrote:

Just read the guy who played Nicholas Alamain has died. Cody someone. I don't recall him or his real name. Looks very young.

The character began as a young child, then they aged him to an adult, I see the guy now on Hallmark movies. 

@Shelbelle - I don't remember the actor who played young Nicholas.  The actor who played him as an adult is Victor Webster.  He was in a Hallmark movie with Ali Sweeney recently and she said it was fun working with him again.

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

I am almost embarrassed to say that I am still watching. This may change though since I read that Xfinity will start charging for Peacock in middle of June. So, are we to believe that Sami’s mother dies and we hear nothing from her..any form of reality on this show is totally gone..

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

@wakefield64 - The storylines have become even more ridiculous if that is possible.  All these couples switching from one parter to another.  Agree about Sami not coming to Salem for Marlena's funeral - what is her excuse?

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

If XF starts charging me more than my recent increase, I am going to have to reconsider seeing Days or not, Days may lose a lot of viewers if they do this

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

@KBEANS   HELLLLLOOOOOOO!!!  I'm so glad to see you back!  I was just hopping on to see where everyone is.  This forum has gotten lonely.  I'm a day or so behind and keep falling asleep during the shows.  I'm thrilled that you like RSW!!  Trust me, after seeing him in person, I look forward to him being on air!  All I can say is that it's criminal that he's so good looking!!!!  Anyway, I digress.


Yeah, his old Ben character is kinda sappy compared to Alex.  I don't think he needs those silly clear-frame glasses, though, and wish he'd just not wear them.  I want to see him with Stephanie simply because of how he pined after her before Chad bedded her.  Chad's kids - dare I write this? - I think the boy is terrific -- the girl still needs work.  She stands there not knowing what to do or where to look and is off-queue just a smidge.  Hey, she's a kid, I should let up.  But compared to Cary Christopher, I would have had another little girl actress brought in for auditioning.  Don't kill me.


I'm over the whole Sweetness-Doc-Kate thing, too.  Move on already, no one's honestly interested.  Yawn.


That's my two cents for the day!!

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Re: All Things DAYS--FEBRUARY 2023--possible spoilers!

Wow!!!  Today's devil "twist" surprised me.  That said, I'm still not happy with the storyline. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix