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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

I watched a little toDAY and when I saw Maggie she blew me away. She has had something done. Her eyes look wonderful and she looks not only better but younger. Not a complete facelift but some kind of lift. Perhaps forehead. Unless they put one of those LED ring lights on her when she's on, lol. You go, Mags.

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

Unfortunately, Direct is in a fight with the station that DAYS is on, so I can't watch it unless I go to NBC dot com.


Hope you all have a terrific weekend!!

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)


So sorrySmiley Sad

Dish Network took channel 9 off  over a dispute blaming WGN  or!!  but don't watch that  channel often as none of my soaps are on it 

Hope the disputer gets settled for you soon!Heart


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

@DrKelli wrote:

Unfortunately, Direct is in a fight with the station that DAYS is on, so I can't watch it unless I go to NBC dot com.


Hope you all have a terrific weekend!!

Been there, done that. Direct tv likes to play these little games then tell its customers 'we're working as hard as we can to come to an agreement.' Right. Every year about this time????????????? We'd had enough and switched to DISH-never looked back.

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

I'm taking bets. Who is Brady going to shack up with while Kristen is in the KLINK? 

 My money is on Nicole.

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

@KBEANS wrote:

I'm taking bets. Who is Brady going to shack up with while Kristen is in the KLINK? 

 My money is on Nicole.

Absolutely no doubt in my mind about that .....

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

Oh yes, it will be Nicole who Brady hooks up with.

Someone should remind her of Eric - Eric who?  

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Re: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)



lol who is Eric?


Out of sight


out of mind!


Nic&Brady are always a couple on Day's   lol

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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ButRe: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

But Wait........ Didn't we see/hear Tripp confess to Allie that he and she did the deed and then she said - "you're lying"..   that's when Momma Ava Vitali barged in and threw Allie out.  So, did I miss anything???  Did we ever find out what the real scoop is/was with Tripp and Allie... Why did she say he was "lying???"  TIA


Still can't STAND nuJen... No way, no how.... Can't stand the artificial laughing between her and Bonnie at the Pub and everything else she does.  She is NO Jennifer.  She is too old-looking too.... Just not a good replacement.... Her whole demeaner has changed.  This is NOT the Jennifer we know.  I don't even think Jack knows her either.....


Why doesn't anyone lock their doors or workshops???  Gabi barges into Jakes shop and finds him in bed with Kate.  Well, she deserved that.  That's what you get when you don't knock..... Sometimes you even get knocked up........  Oh well - 

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Re: ButRe: All Things DAYS--DECEMBER 2020 (possible spoilers)

Tripp confessed but then said he was just telling Allie what she wanted to hear.  


I still don't know how the writers are going to get themselves out of this one.

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