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@Marp wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@J Town Girl    I find it sad that so many people find the fine moral values of our parents to be fodder for ridicule.  I see nothing funny about them.

@Kachina624,  I may have missed some (probably many) of these commercials so have not seen the ones that ridicule parental moral values.   Please provide descriptions of the particular ads that do that, I'd like to see them for myself so I know whether or not to email a complaint.

I never saw any about moral values either just poking fun at things like pillows, leaving a sporting event early innocent things like that?  I dont consider those moral issues so I must have missed some also.

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I hate those commercials and find them offensive. Clearly I am not in the demographic they are aimed at.

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No "moral values" were ever attacked or addressed in any of these ads.


Someone must be thinking of other commercials,  or missed the point of these entirely. 

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@traveler wrote:

I hate those commercials and find them offensive. Clearly I am not in the demographic they are aimed at.


Probably not.

I really don't understand how people can tie themselves up in knots and find something perfectly harmless to be "offensive".

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@on the bay wrote:

Well, @PuppyLoverBob666,

You never came back. I hope we didn't scare you off but you certainly generated a fun thread!

I've had some health issues -- spent some time hospitalized -- recently. Obviously I HAVE come back.


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@Kachina624 wrote:

@Pearlee   Nobody has ever accused me of not having a sense of humor but at least, mine is not warped.  Some things, like a lack of morality just aren't funny, at least to me.



Can you give us some concrete examples of the commercials that have a "lack of morality" ?

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The actor known as Mayhem is Dean Winters.  

He was also Dennis on Law and Order SVU for 13 seasons.


He's in several movies and mostly identifies as a character actor.


As far as that commercial about the parents I never gave this commercial much thought.  

Why?  Well because like many of you, I do the same thing each of those people do.


I love people..period..I love talking to strangers.  If someone does or says something a little extra, I try to let the boss or powers that be know about it.


What's wrong with telling someone that a grocery cart isn't working right?  Absolutely nothing.


The restaurant where my friend and I eat is the same place where lots of policemen and women eat.  On any given day there can be as many as 12 or 15 in there.  Also sheriff's eat there.


Its a relatively small room so we pass each other.  I have a habit of looking people in the eye.  I'll usually say, "thank you for your service".


Most of the time they are surprised.  Sometimes they'll say, "No.  Thank you."

Sometimes they'll end it by saying, "For your kind words".


I never apologize for being kind to anyone.  My friend is too shy to say anything.


In the end, we all have to live with ourselves.  If we don't like can we expect anyone else to.

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Insurance commercials are some of the funniest to me. I also get a laugh from the Downy Unstoppables commercials too.