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90 Day The Other Way season 5

I don't know if we ever had a thread on this so I'm making a new one. Did anyone watch last night? If so what did you think of Kimberly and TJ's wedding? I thought it was beautiful but what a lot of craziness to go through! I'm wondering if they will last due to the fact that she can be so difficult and bratty.


The entire Mary and Brandan having to tell her grandfather everything and the neighbors are watching scenario is so bizarre. The entire storyline is and they still haven't shown his mom arriving there as shown in previews. Mary acts like she hates Brandan now. 


Holly and Wayne - she acts like she wants to run out of there. I get the feeling she's not going to last there.


A life coach is a waste of time for Daniele and Yohan. They are both just awful.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

They are all awful.  We saw how immature Brandon really is when he was being interviewed and he said "I thought I was going to come here and get married and have a family"  When she told him to leave, I thought "How is he going to get back to the States?  He doesn't have any money"


I think Kimberly needs professional psychiatric help.  I actually kind of like TJ, but I think she's got mental issues.


Daniele and Yohan need to just part ways.  He's ridiculous but surely she saw that coming.  He made it clear he wanted to go to the US, but he certainly acts like an entitled brat.


Holly and Wayne skeeved me out.  They both give me the creeps.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5



I kept shaking my head last night at those weirdo's....sigh!

preds 06-21-20
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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

I actually can't stand watching a few of those couples. They seem so ill matched. 


I'm on a FB group for 90 Day and someone reported that Mary and Brandon are expecting their 2nd child. Wonder if it's true. 

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

@cindyNC wrote:

I actually can't stand watching a few of those couples. They seem so ill matched. 


I'm on a FB group for 90 Day and someone reported that Mary and Brandon are expecting their 2nd child. Wonder if it's true. 

@cindyNC  It's supposed to be true about the second child.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

Holly seems so immature. And she needs to do something with her hair. It's like her security blanket. 


I really don't know what TJ sees in Kimberly, all she does is complain.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

@deeva wrote:

Holly seems so immature. And she needs to do something with her hair. It's like her security blanket. 


I really don't know what TJ sees in Kimberly, all she does is complain.

Holly reminds me of Morticia Addams only Morticia had better hair. I can't see Kimberly staying in India. She's too bratty to actually get along with his family.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

What a bunch.  I watch this drivel and I'm beginning to wonder why.


Mary and Brandan - does she ever smile?  Always a dour look on her face, no matter what is going on.  I agree with whomever said these are the newer version of Karine and Paul.


Sarper and what's her name - he is so full of himself and very controlling.  It's hard to watch her put up with his antics, given that she has been a successful independent woman.  Don't think this will end well.


Kim and TJ - She is a major whiner, BUT this multi-day wedding would be going a whole lot better if they took the time to explain to Kim and her parents what is going on in the rituals, the expectation from them and the meaning behind the traditions.  I think Kim probably would have embraced and enjoyed the wedding activities more if she knew what was going on.


Nikki and Igor/Justin - I think we will be in for an ugly trip for her.  She plans to make a spectacle of herself (based on what she is packing) and he wants to keep her hidden away.  Given the Moldovian culture, she might better off to tone it down a bit while she is there.


The British girl and the roach motel guy are in for a ride as well.  How he thinks that the place he is living is suitable to bring a fiance (who is obviously a spoiled material girl) to is beyond me.  Surely he could have found a place that at least has a bathroom.


Wayne and Holly - gotta be something wrong with her.  She gets some of the most far-away looks on her face and seems to be spaced out most of the time.  He is pretty strange too.  Must be why they are attracted to each other.



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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

[ Edited ]

Sapur touching and talking about eating that raw meat for what seemed like forever made me want to gag. So does his face and plastic looking hair. Then we have Shekinah's sister who appeared to be reading rehearsed lines and doing a bad job at it.


Brandan and Mary are two miserable people. I noticed they weren't shown for long. I guess there's not much to say. Previews of his mom arriving in the Philippines are continually shown but it never happens. TLC has been showing various previews many weeks ahead of time lately and I find it highly annoying.


I thought the Indian wedding rituals lasted far too long. I don't blame Kimberly for being mad even though I can't stand her. She's a brat. Even her good natured parents appeared to be growing tired of sitting around or at least that was my impression.


IMO Holly is on something or her brain is damaged to drug abuse. I'm thinking Wayne must not be able to find anyone if he wants to be with her. I hope they are never featured on another show. She really creeps me out.

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Re: 90 Day The Other Way season 5

The raw meat thing absolutely grossed me out.  Cooking it with your hands?  ICK.  Shakinah should run fast and far.


I agree that Kimberly is a brat.  But seriously--she should know the customs of the place she's moving to.  I am not interested in living in India, but even I know that the weddings last for days.


Wayne and Holly are weird.  She's something else.


As for Mary and Brandon--don't ever need to see them again.  Next thing you know, there's going to be 6 kids that he has to support.


The stuck in the elevator guy and the blond woman?  Can't see that being very successful either.  And it WAS his fault that they got stuck in the elevator.  HE did that.  Not her.  HIM.