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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@Suzeecat I can't stand him. He's an instigator. I recall when he invited all of them to his home for a get together and egged all of them on against each other.


I think Libby's sisters are trash. None of that bunch wants to see Andrei do well. I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

Debbie did herself a favor with the hair style and color.  She could use some guidance with the dressing....the short skirts and heavy makeup only emphasizes her age.  I think she would gain some confidence by joining a group of people that shares her interests (cooking, hiking, book club, bonsai, church, whatever)...and I am not talking a dating site.  She might have better luck developing a real relationship that could lead to something more.


Ed has matured.  The therapy appears to have resulted in reflection about his obsession with dating young women.  The woman he is dating now seems genuinely nice and his sweet mother and Teddy were asked to join them for a meet.  They got along really well.  Hopefully, Ed sees the light and doesn't return to his old ways.


Agree about Jennifer and her new passion.  He is so obsessed with himself, always appeared to have shallow goals and all he talks about is Jennifer's beauty.  She is very attractive and these two models are having a heyday with all the TV exposure.



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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@phoenixbrd ITA with your assessment of Debbie. I've never noticed her as a church goer but she should join some kind of group with a mutual interest.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@Love my grandkids   Yes, you picked up on my concern to add the "church", but I know the ladies ( & men) on this board are smart enough to know I was just listing some examples other than a dating site.  I really don't know what her interests may be other than cats !😁🐈

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

Also, I can do without Stephanie. It's always going to be about some type of s ex talk with her.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@phoenixbrd I watched a little of Stephanie but she was too creepy for me!

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

Stephanie is a big phony. I'm not buying she is or was ever gay. I think she has some kind of se#ual hang up and she's basically asexual.  Also now she's playing TLC for air time and $

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@Love my grandkids  A bit eccentric and seems to be figuring out what she wants in life.  When she first appeared there was a lot of information regarding how ill she was...perhaps even life-threatening to travel.  This illness isn't mentioned anymore.


 I don't take these show too seriously.  You just don't know what is real....pure entertainment.  I think several are about the money and know drama is their meal ticket.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

I  have a comment and its more about your attitude with how these people look.


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Re: 90 Day Fiance: The Single Life 4/25

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@sunshine 919 @scatcat I only watched a minute or two of J & J so don't really know anything about them.


I disagree about the age of a man for Debbie. She could maybe get the interest of a late 60's or 70 year old guy. She's embarrassing herself with the way she is dressing.


Looks like she and her friend will be doing one of those silly drive bys of Jay's house. The kind we did in high school to go by the house of a boy we liked. She's being ridiculous. I hope she sees Jay with another woman. I honestly have to say I can't wait for the next episode to see what happens LOL.

I don't think so, @Love my grandkids. A man 58 thinks he "deserves" a woman of at least 45 or 50! Debbie looks all of 70. Like "Big Ed" she needs to look for someone at least her age or older. And at 70, instead of going to bars, they might try  a nice, short coffee meeting to see if there is any interest! Debbie should understand she's got a hard row to  hoe. Women in their 50's find few choices!