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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

Danielle needs to take some lessons from her kids.  They were born with more common sense than she has.  She just HAS to have the last word.  And it's always something stupid.



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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

One of my DIL's is from the D.R.  She and I text during the show.  She says Pedro's sister is a "ho"..... lol

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@sophiamarieI SO agree with you. Her kids are 100X smarter than that poor excuse for a woman. And Mohamed didn't hurt them, he never bonded with them.


She's just nuts, no two ways about it.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@sunshine 919  Every couple for both seasons is a train wreck coming down the track.  The only exception is the couple in Florida with the turrets issue.  They genuinely appear to love and support one another plus they seem to come from really supportive families. Did you see the trailers for the coming up "tell all" that is next that will be an academy award!  Watching these shows is like eating junk food!

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After


And people believe the LGBT community is ruining the "sanctity of marriage" when we have this trash on TV.   What gets me is the fact that it is obvious  the marriages are a way to get access to living in the USA.


Yep, I've watched some episodes, but, really???? 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@Justholdingon wrote:

@sunshine 919 wrote:

@phluphy wrote:

What about Anfisa & Jorge??  Match made in Heaven??

LOLSmiley Happy  Did you see the expensive gift he bought for her as an i'm sorry gift???

I'm was surprised  anfisa was mature enough to turn down the gift and finally tell him goodbye even not knowing how it would affect her status with immigration. 


Now..if only danielle would get her act together and grow up 😂😂

I agree, Danielle had her chance for an anulment a long time ago and she let him talk her out of it.  Why does she always have to talk to him.  At this point she is kind of harrassing him.  He is no prize but she needs to let it go.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

Did anyone see Amazon boy, he wants this girl to take std test and a pregnancy test!!! Did he take a std test???

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

[ Edited ]

@sunshine 919 wrote:

Did anyone see Amazon boy, he wants this girl to take std test and a pregnancy test!!! Did he take a std test???

Yeah really! It was so weird when he said that. The dangers of him traveling down there are probably greater than those of him contacing an std from her. Didn't his doctor recommend him bring a condom to wear while there just to protect himself, not sexually, from disease in general? He's very odd. I can't see them having sex anyway really.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

So I think that last night was the season finale of Happily ever after and then we have 3 reunion shows?  The only question now is Russ and Pao and they aren't going to last because she wants her career more than her marriage.


@colliemom4, he brought condoms because there is a parasite that enters through the p**** when you are in the water.  I thought that was a pretty interesting statement though.



As for Abby and what's his name in Haiti--she looks like she can't stand him touching her.


My mom is visiting from Arizona and she told me after the shows were over "I can't believe you made me watch this.  Now I think I'm hooked and will have to watch this trash."  She also commented that Darcy seemed obsessed with marriage, which I have to agree with and Jesse doesn't seem that interested.


As for Anfisa's job (to be revealed next week), can't say as I'm surprised.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

@DrKelli Agree with you about Darcy's marriage obsession. No matter who it would be to...that's not a good thing ever. The guy she went to see (sorry don't remember his name) is very strange. A man asking a woman to take off her makeup before she goes to bed etc. No.