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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@colliemom4  I think that TLC is showing previews for the Tell All so far in advance because they want to ramp up the excitement and get a ton of viewers.  I'll watch anything that TLC throws at me, so they don't have to worry about my loyalty Smiley Very Happy.  Ooh I wonder why Michael and Danielle are fighting? I'llhave to google that.  Yohan better be out of Danielle's life! If she gives him any more chances, I'll be really disappointed in her. 


    I've always watched a ton of tv, especially reality TV.  I got hooked on VH1 reality TV shows, MTV reality TV shows and The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  When 90 Day Fiance came out, I was absolutely hooked and hypnotized by it.  If 90 Day Fiance ever gets canceled, I think I'd go through TV withdrawals and depression Smiley LOL.  Ooh I sometimes like to eat the tropical trail mix with dried banana, papaya, coconut, pineapple and nuts.  Now I want banana chips! 


    I have Forbidden Love set to record on the DVR, so I'll definitely watch that tomorrow.  

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@SportyShorty07  I'm sure you are correct about TLC's motives. Statler claims she's the one that came up with the idea for the tell to be held in a mansion but I tend to not believe her as she's so scatter brained! Maybe I'm wrong. Actually Daniele and Michael are flirting with each other and Angela is saying things to Daniele. I don't know if they are going live doing it or what. The tropical mix is too good and difficult to stop eating! My oldest daughter watches things that I have no interest in what so ever. So if she tells me about something I usually skip it Smiley LOL I like these crazy shows. Let the good times roll lol.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@colliemom4  I've got to clean my reading glasses since I hought you wrote "fighting" Smiley LOL.  I wonder why they're flirting? I think that Danielle is just lonely and wants attention. I wonder if Stadtler will try to date another international girl so that she can stay on 90 Day Fiance? I bet you'll like your daughter's shows if you watch an episode or two Smiley Very Happy.  The tropical trail mix is so good- I've banned myself from buying it since I can eat the whole bag in one sitting. I love crazy and trashy reality TV shows! Let the good itmes roll! These shows are so great Smiley Very Happy.

Forbidden Love looks like it will be full of drama Smiley Happy

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@SportyShorty07  My guess is it's a jealousy thing but we know Angela enjoys fighting. There aren't too many people she seems to get along with. They probably were just flirting. I watched 90 Day and the tell all is definitely starting next week. I wonder how many parts it will be? They love dragging those out. I read that The Last Resort is coming back too. It's stupid because by the time it airs we already know who is and isn't together or pretty much do.


The new show reminds me of 90 Day Fiance, Forbidden Love. They show couples who have to face obstacles in their lives such as different religions etc. as shown in the previews. It's nothing too heavy which is nice. It's pretty good. I had to ban that fruit mix from my home as well. Too funny!

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@colliemom4  Angela loves being mad- I think that its her form of meditation Smiley Very Happy. I think that the Tell All will be atleast 12 hours long and Shawn better ask hard hitting questions and not back down. If I hear Shawn say "moving along" one more time, I'm going to go nuts Smiley LOL  Michael and Danielle would be an interesting combo- atleast they're closer in height together than Danielle and Yohan.  The Last Resort really is dumb because we already know or have figured out the outcome of the couples.  The Last Resort was soooo depressing last year, I usually love 90 Day drama, but The Last Resort was just really sad, drawn out and toxic. I'll watch the next season though! Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy


   Forbidden Love sounds great- I need something light and lively!  That tropical trail mix is so good- and I used to eat it right in front of the tv.  Ooh another trail mix that I had to ban from home is Kar's Sweet 'n Salty snack mix- the peanuts, raisins, sunflower seeds and m&m candy combo is too good! 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

The guy with the Indonesian wife looks just like Brandon (from Julia & Brandon). She's from Russia. They lived on the farm in VA with his parents until they finally moved to another state. He's a real mommy's boy. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@SportyShorty07  I wonder if Shaun will be at the house they all stay in? I know she interviews them regardless. I think Daniele and Michael may make a good couple but I'm doubtful it will happen. What do you think? I don't know if I'll watch The Last Resort. I think I watched all but the last few episodes of the last one. We'll see. Yes all of that fruit mix is so yummy. I don't know how they make it so good but it must stay banned from my home lol.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@colliemom4  That would be great TV if Shaun lived in the mansion with them durring the Tell All Smiley LOL! I think I also might skip The Last Resort- its just too depressing Smiley Indifferent.  Hahaha the tropical fruit mix is the flavor equivalent of a casino slot machine- all of the crunch, creaminess, chew, sweet/salty make the brain's reward center explode.  Vanish them from our homes- be gone, Tropical Trail Mix! I almost bought 2lbs of it on Amazon last night, but I can't relapse after staying so strong in my tropical trail mix free life! Smiley Very HappySmiley Wink


   I watched Forbidden Love last night- wow wow wow, it is not going to be a light and lively series based on the season previews Smiley SurprisedSmiley Very Happy. I watched part of Happily Ever After tonight- Loren is insane to not be happy with her body! She was rocking those high waisted boot cut jeans and the crop top! She looked/looks fantastic- she needs therapy.  I wanted to hug Patrick during his cry with his dad.  Sophie looks like a blow-up-doll with her stiff, overly filled and botoxed face.  Why would a pretty 24 year old get so many facial porcedures done?! Even when she was crying, her face couldn't move Smiley Surprised.  Jazmine is a screaming banshee- imagine trying to get sleep in that hotel with Jazmine next door?! 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@DJs mom wrote:

The guy with the Indonesian wife looks just like Brandon (from Julia & Brandon). She's from Russia. They lived on the farm in VA with his parents until they finally moved to another state. He's a real mommy's boy. 

@DJs mom  Yes! Brandon was such a mommy's boy! Smiley Very Happy  The guy with the Indonesian wife seems so passive around her- she's a fiery lady. I wonder how their relationship will stand the test of moving in with her parents in Indonesia? 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After March 17

@SportyShorty07  Forbidden Love deals with some serious topics but doesn't it remind you of 90 Day Fiance? The same people produced it so that may be why I'm getting those vibes. I actually laughed out loud at some of it. It may just be me.


I think Loren looks fine. If anything she's too thin now and definitely needs and has needed therapy for what sounds like a good part of her life. Her mom is a hateful person and likely contributed to whatever way she feels about herself. Sophie is another mess. I always get the feeling she's on drugs due to her behavior. I wish Jasmine would go back to Panama. I'm glad you were able to resist temptation and not purchase the tropical trail mix.


I watched The Other Way last night. Nothing exciting happened with Lily and Josh but you do get to see more of them. It only lasts an hour and it goes by so fast.