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9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Things got briefly exciting when David finally realized how badly things were going and decided to burn down the house. Viewers applauded his initiative, but alas, he failed in his efforts. He'd cleverly filled a pot with boiling oil then dumped in a large batch of home made french fries. As expected this overflowed the pot dumping boiling oil onto the hot burner that then ignited. Whoo hoo! We're getting out of this season!


But no. Cody grabbed the fire extinguisher and in an apparent attempt to help David burn down the house, sat down to give the instructions a leisurely read. Memphis, hearing that the house was burning down under his HOH decided to take action and ripped the extinguisher from Cody's hands, "Hey! I was reading that!" and put out the fire before any serious damage could occur. Memphis is just no fun at all this year.


With the plan to burn down the house ruined, they opted for plan b and to flood the house. The bathroom drains were all then clogged and the fans rejoiced as the water levels rose, but alas, BB called in a team of specialist plumbers who entered the house while the houseguests were locked onto the second floor, well above the rising flood waters, and managed to clear the clogs in just over four hours time.


Fans, frustrated at the inability of the houseguests to either burn down the house or flood it then resorted to screaming over the wall once again, but the screams fell once again on deaf ears. 


Campaigning started in earnest to stay in the house with Kevin making hash browns for the house in a desperate attempt to win thier votes by feeding them. (Ovi tried the same thing last year but with cookies.) Kevin soon learned from sources (cough, Christmas, cough) that Da'Vonne was the target and not him, so he throttled back in his campaigining. He did make a deal to work with Nicole and Cody should he stay. (Yeah sure. They'll work with Kevin now seven weeks into the game when they're in a big alliance that's been voting everyone around him out. Yep. Why they'll go to the end together. One for all and all for one. Nah,.Kevin's going bye-bye in the very near future.)


Da'Vonne meanwhile, being the devious master plotter that she is, came up with a scenario to save herself. She decided that if she told David she believed him and that Nicole voted out Ian (she doesn't truly believe that) and that she was now targeting Nicole (she isn't, at least not yet) that he'd relay that information to Tyler who would then lead the charge to keep Da'Vonne so she could evict Nicole for them. Yeah. It makes no sense, but it's Da'Vonne. What do you expect?


Nicole meanwhile has decided that the ideal time to tell Da'Vonne that she's been endlessly lying to her is in her goodbye message that Da'Vonne will see while seated ten feet away from Julie. (Note to prodcution, it might be a good idea to put some sort of secure barrier between Julie and Da'Vonne on Thursday. Da'Vonne will not be happy hearing this from Nicole and will want to kill someone and with only Julie being there, well, it could get ugly.) Julie is no doubt checking her contract about sick days and fake coughing when around anyone from the show and complaining of being feverish, to avoid being in Da'Vonne's line of fire come Thursday.


As tacky as it is to make Da'Vonne look like an idiot to the live feed watchers, using the goodbye message to embarrass her in front of a live national audience may not be the ideal strategy for jury management. Essentially Nicole is going to say, "Ha! Ha! You were an idiot to believe me instead of David! We tricked you! I can't believe you fell for it! What a sap!" She won't use those words, but that's what Da'Vonne will hear. Nicole had best avoid the jury house this year or she could have a pretty nasty welcoming committee in Ian and Da'Vonne. (Live feeds from there would be worth the money.)


Today should be a "Well, we tried to destroy the house and failed," day with not much going on. The houseguests will record their goodbye messages. Da'Vonne will come up with some new top secret, this is bound to work plan to flip the votes, and everyone will just be killing time waiting for see which member of the big alliance wins HOH to nominate David and Kevin. 


We have a show tonight! On tonight's show we'll see the aftermath of the nominations, the picking of the POV players. Zingbot making his/her zings, the POV comp, and the POV meeting..Sadly, no one seemed overly traumatized by their zings this year, 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Zingbot has been pretty tame the last few seasons.  The only one he could probably get some tears out of would be Nicole--if it called out her behavior making fun of Ian.

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Re: 9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Great update - thank you! I don't like this season and barely watch the episodes, but I do keep up with it online. These updates are perfect

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Re: 9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The feeds have been down all day, so no one knows what's going on in the house, but a recurring rumor has Da'Vonne and Nicole having an altercaton that got physical. It makes sense as Nicole has been lying to Da'Vonne for the last week and has repeated the lies endlessly. Nicole had talked of telling Da'Vonne the truth, but I thought she was smarter than that. Kevin had pretty much figured out that Nicole was lying and maybe he convinced Da'Vonne, who confronted Nicole who confessed? We just don't know. It's looking like we may not know until tomorrow's live show. Tomorrow's update may be a tad brief er than normal with no one knowing what's going on.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

There's also speculation that the neighbor has already moved in. I thought that would happen at the end of Thursday's show. We'll find out tomorrow night.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 9/23/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

day is going so move on now, nicole if she told day the truth we will see, so who is the nasty neighbor & what do they do?  do they have powers or just  be nasty we will see. now next up is kevin & david wow who knew next hoh. just go with the plan we all know who goes up next no surprise