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8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Things still seem on track for Nicole A to leave on Thursday, but David is cleverly playing (or not playing) himself back into contention as the evictee. David is kind of dense in the way lead is kind of dense. Janelle and David had a meeting in the storeroom where Janelle laid out how things were in the house and it pretty much went right over David's head. His whole focus is on being the first black player to make the jury in fifteen years. He's going to have to get dragged there by everyone else if he gets that far as he sure doesn't deserve it based on his play. Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are far more likely to reach that goal. And I mean far more likely. They're playing well. David, not so much.


Nicole meanwhile is still convinced that Kaysar and Janelle are Satan and Satanette and that's actually improving her chances of staying in the house. Cody and his multi-alliances are pretty comfortable that should Nicole somehow stumble into power, she'd target Janelle, Kaysar, and Memphis. Which she would because she just knows they're the reason she's on the block right now. Janelle and Kaysar aren't her problem and ultimately neither is Memphis. Memphis nominated her because he thought her nomination would upset the fewest people. If anything, those three would rather keep her. They're not as sure about what David would do. David doesn't know what to do most of the time so why should they?


Janelle and Kaysar have been putting in work and have some "sort of" side alliances. Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are more or less with them. Christmas is lingering there on the edge. They've got Ian seeing the big alliance (one of them anyway) and realizing he's not in it, but his final two partner of Nicole F is in it. He's a bit conflicted about what to do going forward. He doesn't want to betray Nicole F who he knows Janelle and Kaysar are targeting, but he also knows Nicole F isn't being a hundred percent loyal to him.


If Janelle or Kaysar win HOH this week, they'll suddenly have a lot of support around them,. If they don't win HOH this week one of them is going bye-bye. To say the alliances in the house are a bit fluid is an understatement. By Daniele's count she's in eight alliances Cody has started and there are some he's started that don't include her.


The house is set up for a pretty volatile swing with pretty much everyone allied with pretty much everyone else whether they know it or not. Cody's going to need a miracle to survive. Once, Janelle and Kaysar are gone, he'll be having to lose alliance members and if he's HOH that means he'll have to nominate alliance members.


Nothing much should happen today. There's always the chance Nicole A will call a house meeting to expose the wretched horrors of Janelle and Kaysar, but Nicole A is more talk than action. Her head is going to explode when she learns the truth. I don't know where her head is in this game but it's certainly not on her shoulders. Kevin's proctologist may find it or possibly Daniele's but Nicole A's head is not in the game.


Speaking as a fan of the show, two of the people I would not trust or believe under any circumstances are Kevin and Daniele. Both are known liars in the game while Janelle and Kaysar are more solid, trustworthy players. So, who does Nicole A trust? The two biggest liars in the game. She is going to need to be in a padded cell for a bit after the game just so she doesn't concuss herself by pounding her head against a wall. "What was I thinking?" will be a recurring theme in her nightmares.


Today will probably be the last yard day this week then things will get shutdown tomorrow to prepare for the new HOH comp. Nicole A and her absurdly bad read on the house and her desperate attempt to target the only people in the house trying to keep her may just end up with her staying in the house since she's not targeting the rest while David is more of a loose cannon and unpredictable. (Not that he's ever likely to win anything, but still, you never know.)


I've gone from wanting Nicole A to go far in the game to wanting her gone. She's just a mess this year. So, with that said, she may just end up surviving this week. If she does, she'll likely hang around quite a while. Whoever leaves may still have a shot to return to the game. Keesha reportedly hasn't returned home yet. They let her do unsupervised interviews which typically means she's free, but in an all-star season they may not be as concerned about what she could learn from an interviewer. What would she learn? That Kaysar and Janelle tried to keep her? She already knows that.


If Nicole A leaves this week and they let her do unsupervised interviews that would imply she's not coming back. Obviously the first question she'd be asked by an interviewer is "Why didn't you trust Janelle and Kaysar?" The interviewer would then explain they had her back and were honest with her the whole time while everyone else was lying to her. We'll have to see what happens on Friday as the interviews take place. If they let the interviewers have unlimited access, Nicole A is likely gone.

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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I think David has a nice smile and pretty eyes but other than that, I agree with you @gardenman .  NicoleA needs a text message from Cliff.  Are text msgs allowed at times inside the house?  I'm sure he doesn't even have her cell phone number. Oh well.


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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Cliff stays in contact with his former houseguests. He's a big fan of the show and will be standing by to console Nicole when she gets out. (She'll need it. Boy, will she need it.) He may be checking the rates for banner planes to fly over the BB house right about now to try and wake her up. This is probably killing him. I suspect watching the feeds now as she's struggling so bad is just killing Cliff. He loves Nicole A and wants her to do well and she's not doing well. If BB had a "phone a friend" comp he'd be praying she won it so he could talk some sense into her.

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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

To give everyone an example of how bad David is at the game, Da'Vonne has been his biggest supporter and he told her that he's in an all guy's alliance. Ugh! No sane player would ever tell Da'Vonne they're in an all guys alliance. You're giving her a very easy excuse to vote you out. Da'Vonne knows Nicole A isn't in an all guys alliance, so why keep David? Keeping David simply makes his all guy alliance stronger. David needs her vote to stay. (More or less.) It's like Nicole A and David are trying to get evicted and neither knows what the heck they're doing.

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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I was thinking the other day about BB fans--how they often have favorites and tend to root for the underdog. I came up with a name I thought would be cute for David's fans--Alexanderites. Unfortunately he may not have a lot of fans since the only person playing a worse game than NicA is David--though Nic definitely started campaigning yesterday and she's pretty good at it. Not sure if it's enough but at least she's out on the trail. 


David is really lacking in having the ability to communicate what's on his mind correctly and it often comes out sounding completely wrong. Instead of saying "Don't go overboard campaigning for me. I don't want people to see that and put together we're in an alliance. I don't want you to jeopardize your own game" he says "Chill out and stop campaigning for me." The first is a sensible request, the later sounds like he doesn't want the person's support. 

I'm not sure what he's talking about when he says he wants to be the first black juror in 15 years. Did he really say that? Last time I checked his own ally, Bayleigh, was a black juror in 2018. 


I realize a lot of fans are upset with NicA for her gameplay but I have to wonder, if they were honest, shouldn't they should be more upset about Janelle's gameplay? As much flak as NicA is getting it was Janelle who got her to the place of distrust in the first place. First she spent an entire week badmouthing the one person Nic chose as her friend. We also found out last night Janelle was badmouthing NicF the minute they walked in the house and called her a b****. Apparently NicA was thinking she wasn't even unpacked and it didn't make a very good 1st impression.


Even now, as Janelle tries to reassure Nic that she and Kaysar are on her side she continues to say "There's you, me, Kaysar, MEMPHIS" (and then a bunch of people who, at the moment, aren't actually with them), but my point is that when Janelle says the name Memphis what does she expect Nicole to think? Nicole has to be wondering why the guy who Janelle claims to be close to--the guy she spent hours with drinking wine and laughing in the hoh room--nominated her for eviction. To Nicole that has to feel like they're just playing her. Seriously, who wouldn't think that?


Janelle has made such a mess of this with Nicole that it's perfectly understandable to me that it will take a lot of trust building to repair the damage and I'm not sure there's going to be enough time.


As for the game itself I was premature earlier when I said it was afoot. If anything it was in neutral for the longest time. I'm not sure it's completely afoot now but it's definitely putting on its sneakers and thinking maybe it's a good time to adjust the laces because it's about to begin.


I still watch the feeds sporadically but I've heard some very interesting conversations especially at night. I think there are a lot of people on one side with branches of side alliances sprouting from the main trunk. Once people start to feel they're more toward the bottom of the alliance than the top they're going to be looking for other options. If Janelle and Kaysar can hang in there long enough they just might find some willing bodies to join them especially if one of them wins hoh.


One thing that I don't understand about J&K is that I see them at night sitting together on the bridge outside the hoh room--just the two of them. Everyone else is outside, enjoying the weather, laughing, telling stories, and having a good time. To me, if I was in the house, the camaraderie of the other houseguests would be a major part of BB I would want to experience. I've never understood why some players isolate themselves.

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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

If the vote ends up 6-6 on Thursday (not impossible) Memphis may be able to show Nicole A that he's not the enemy by saving her with the tie-breaker. I'm not sure she'd believe it even then, but it might be a start.

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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I agree, it's not impossible. It seems unlikely at this exact moment but we've seen stronger bets than this turned around at the very last minute.


It's also not impossible that Memphis might save David. The way Memphis spoke to David, I'm not sure, but if Cody and crew get in his ear he just might. Memphis has been one of the strangest head of households in a very long time. 


This is one week I don't really care who goes. I like both of them. I think of the two I'd like to see David have a chance to get further in the game than this. One the other hand I don't see any scenario in which he would win. Even making it to the jury is a long shot. Now watch him be the All Star Winner, lol.



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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Memphis is playing a complicated game. He's trying to stay in the middle while allied with both sides. I'm not sure he wanted to win HOH, but when half the house drops on question five (I think) of seven and you're all that's left, you end up as HOH. He looked around and picked two nominees he thought were neutral and no one would care about and then discovered Nicole A was more or less with Janelle and Kaysar. He's had an interesting week.


It's a confusing house for those of us watching everything from the outside. It's probably even more confusing for those in the game.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

Well, I know I'm confused!


There have been so many alliances made this season but one of the more interesting, to me anyway, is the naming of a six person alliance officially calling themselves Slick Six. The group includes three women and three men--Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Dani, Cody, Tyler and Enzo. It's kind of giving me Level Six vibes. I'm not 100% sure but I think one reason to make it official yesterday was to reassure Bay and Da'Vonne for the upcoming vote.


I'm wondering what this means for the Tyler/Christmas duo--something I never thought I'd be down for--and yet I like it. That one gives me Tyler/Kaycee vibes from their Coast to Coast alliance. Maybe it's just too early to expect anything long term though Coast to Coast was made day one.


For those without feeds just know there are many, many alliances this season and every one of these people mentioned, as well as the rest of the house, has other side alliances.


I guess I'm just a sucker for an alliance with a name, lol. I want to see some creativity from these players! Smiley Very Happy




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Re: 8/18/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

I've really been impressed with a Christmas this season...  I might have written her off as the dummy who broke her leg years ago, but she is actually a smart cookie with incredibly interesting hobbies plus her work ethic is commendable !!  She talks about her Iraq experiences AND her abilities working with NASCAR.  She is one of my favorites to listen to on the overnight live feeds.  I am also enjoying a DaVonne ...  great sense of humor and she doesn't rely on others gossip to make decisions on her own.  At week two these are my favorites.  I also can't wait for Ms. WhineyWimp to get booted (Nicole F) ...  I can take her for about another 36 seconds with David right behind her ...  not a full deck in play there either ...   my two cents ...