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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

@lainey1 I do hope they can make some changes. The sheriff and his assistant seem clueless as to what's actually going on. I thought it was kind of funny after Monalisa left    the inmates said she was a plant. Strange situation about the new gal that supposedly abused her child too. What a mess that place is! I guess the drugs keep them able to cope with the stay.

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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

I'm glad they're all out and nothing happened to any of them.


I think Sheri provided the most information with how the drugs are coming into the pods. She did some nice undercover work spending time with the inmates who were getting the drugs and asking the right amount, but not too many questions.


Ashleigh. I can't believe the way Zak spoke to her and how she spoke to him. She was so stressed and he should have sensed that, but to top it off he calls her the c word!


Then when she gets out, he showers her with all sorts of gifts - new purse, coffe mug, engagement ring and a gun!! That floored me since they have a small child. And why did he have to give her the gun the minute she got out of jail? He couldn't wait until they got home? I understand the significance of it to him, but that should have been done in private.


As for the other gifts, I think he realized what he said to her was going to be shown on tv and wanted to show everyone "what a nice guy" he really is. He did ask her "are you still mad at me"? It looks from the previews next week they might still be having some issues.


Ryan. Is he more obnoxious than Robert?Woman LOL He sure is full of himself, isn't he? He thinks it wasn't so bad in jail. He did seem a bit nervous with Ricky though, didn't he? And then he say if he was in jail for a long time how he could become "someone" and move up the ranks. I'm sure it would be much different knowing you might not get out for years vs. just 60 days. I hope the Sheriff/Captain knocks him down a peg or two next week. 


I'm looking forward to the reunion show. Looks like this is the last season for this show since the Sheriff spilled the beans to everyone. It was very interesting watching it and I hope things really improve at the jail.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers



I missed some of the finale last night, or thought it was the finale.


Ryan didn't have his interview?

I was curious to see his reaction.

He'll make a good detective some day.


He  must be bucking for undercover, he played the part.


I missed Sheri's interview but I was proud for her.    


Ashleigh, too much drama.


I was happy for Mona Lisa.   

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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

@software wrote:



I missed some of the finale last night, or thought it was the finale.


Ryan didn't have his interview?

I was curious to see his reaction.

He'll make a good detective some day.


He  must be bucking for undercover, he played the part.


I missed Sheri's interview but I was proud for her.    


Ashleigh, too much drama.


I was happy for Mona Lisa.   




Ryan did have an interview. He told them the walk throughs were not that thorough (i.e. some people are hurt but hide it from the correction officers), medical issues weren't taken seriously and people were not properly taking their medication. He also said some of the inmates shouldn't be in a jail, but in a mental facility.


The Captain asked him about the "kangeroo" court sessions and Ryan explained what they were. He also told them that most of the fights take place in the public bathrooms.


Next week I think all of the participants get together to talk about their experiences.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

I don't think anybody is as obnoxious as Robert.  Well, maybe one guy but he wasn't on this show.


I think that Ryan is just a bit full of himself.  But Robert is kind of crazy, as well as being an obnoxious horrible creep.


Looking forward to next week, when they get them all together.  I imagine there will be some drama, manufactured or otherwise.


Looks like they got a lot of very good info from this season.   I would imagine that's it.  Sounds like these two groups were the entirety of the experiment.

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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

[ Edited ]

I missed the last 20 minutes or so. I'm glad there will be another episode next week. The c/o's looked shocked that there was an undercover operation going on. I thought it was funny!


 I found the behavior between Ashleigh and Zac very disturbing. I hope they get some counseling because I see trouble ahead. Buying your wife gifts after calling her names and treating her badly doesn't work but for so long.


Ryan's in a world of his own making. The man saying the tv was talking to him would have driven me crazy! He's lucky he didn't have to put up with him for too long and that he wasn't hurt. 


Hopefully the drug problems in the women's pod will be stopped. Good work on Shari's part. Her girls are so cute! 


I do hope some positive changes take place due to this program. It was certainly eye opening.

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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

Well, the reunion show was a big disappointment to me, just a lot of recaps which I fast forwarded through. And it seems like it turned out to be a therapy session for Ashleigh and Zak. I thought she looked pregnant sitting there so wasn't surprised when they said she was.


The last 10 minutes was interesting seeing what changes the jail has implemented as a result of the experiment. I hope they come back sometime in the future to give us an update whether the changes have really helped and maybe an update on what the 60 Days In "inmates" are doing.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

@lainey1 wrote:

Well, the reunion show was a big disappointment to me, just a lot of recaps which I fast forwarded through. And it seems like it turned out to be a therapy session for Ashleigh and Zak. I thought she looked pregnant sitting there so wasn't surprised when they said she was.


The last 10 minutes was interesting seeing what changes the jail has implemented as a result of the experiment. I hope they come back sometime in the future to give us an update whether the changes have really helped and maybe an update on what the 60 Days In "inmates" are doing.

@lainey1  The reunion was rather boring. It definitely was interesting to see the new changes the jail is implementing. I don't have high hopes for Zak and Ashleigh's marriage lasting. He seems so detached, and she's very emotional and needy. I hope I'm wrong. I feel sorry for her. I hope she continues counseling for herself. They really need marriage counseling. 

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Re: 60 Days In Season 2 - Includes spoilers

@colliemom4 wrote:

@lainey1  The reunion was rather boring. It definitely was interesting to see the new changes the jail is implementing. I don't have high hopes for Zak and Ashleigh's marriage lasting. He seems so detached, and she's very emotional and needy. I hope I'm wrong. I feel sorry for her. I hope she continues counseling for herself. They really need marriage counseling. 




Boring sums it up perfectly! I hope Ashleigh and Zak can work things out, especially with a new baby on the way.


There's another show on next week, but I think it's just the highlights of the season.



Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum