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09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As expected, Michael nominated Alyssa and Terrance to go bye-bye this week. Alyssa took it more or less in stride while Terrance is threatening to turn the jury house against Michael and Brittany for using what Kyle said as a game move when they were in trouble. Yeah, it's not really helping his cause any. He's just making himself the bigger target, which is good for Alyssa.


Brittany and Alyssa have been chatting a lot and Brittany now wants Alyssa in their final four with Taylor. Michael seems okay with that. Uh, Michael? One of these four is not like the rest and it's you. Something all three girls have said is that they want a girl to win this year. Maybe, just maybe allying with three girls who all want a girl to win isn't the smartest game move you could make.


They'll have the POV comp later today. It's rumored to be BB Comics which means Michael will win the POV unless he falls and dies. He might even win then if he shouts out the answers as he's falling. Will he use it? Maybe. Having Monte and Terrance, or Terrance and Turner both on the block would guarantee him that one enemy would go. Alyssa's not really a threat to him. (Not yet anyway.) Michael pretty much controls the house as long as both Brittany and Taylor stay loyal, and there's no sign that they won't. All it takes this week is two votes to boot someone.


For those who don't remember, BB comics is the comp where there are comic book covers featuring the houseguests with multiple copies with slight differences. They have to zip-line past them and look at the "right" comics as they fly by, then sort through a pile of similar ones to find the matches. When they think they have it right they hit their buzzer and either find out they're right or have to figure out where they went wrong. It can be a very physically tough comp as climbing the ladder to get back on the zip-line and then running around wears houseguests down pretty quickly. 


Michael will have a strategy already thought out while the rest will say, "What's BB Comics?" Most people make the mistake of trying to do too much too soon. Focus on one or two comics per trip and be sure you get them right, then move on. If you're not sure it's right, go back and check again. Keep narrowing the field down. Any that you know aren't a match, toss them aside. Then find the difference between the two (or so) that are left and then zip by again to see which one is right. If you can get them all right on the first buzz, you'll likely win. People get in trouble when they don't know which one or ones they got wrong and end up changing some they had right. When you get to the end you can start to guess on the last two and just flip through them and buzz in without having to zip-line down again.


If it is BB Comics, Michael will win the POV unless he absolutely lies down and throws the comp to someone else. And that's not a horrible strategy for him. Whoever wins it leaves him a viable target. If Monte wins and uses it, Michael can target Turner. If Turner wins it and uses Michael can target Monte. If Alyssa or Terrance wins it, Michael has Turner and Monte both available as replacements. This is a comp that Michael truly doesn't have to win, but I suspect his ego won't let him lose BB Comics. He could lie down on the grass and nap until time expires and still be in very good shape this week.


Michael's currently targeting Terrance but is it vital to his game that Terrance goes this week? Not really. Turner, Monte, Terrance, all three are in his way and one will go this week. There's a reasonable argument that Turner and Monte are bigger threats to Michael than Terrance. So, why not let someone else win the POV, use it, or not, and still get out a target? Ego. BB Comics is an iconic BB comp and Michael will want the win on his resume.


It'll be a long feed outage as this comp is done individually and it takes a while to reset it each time. Barring a complete throw job, Michael should win it. He's got the physical capability, mental capability, and game knowledge to excel at BB Comics. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

We now know who five of the POV players are. Michael, Alyssa, and Terrance are playing, and Monte and Taylor are playing. Either Turner or Brittany will be also. And it now sounds like Brittany is playing, so Turner will be the host.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

We now know who five of the POV players are. Michael, Alyssa, and Terrance are playing, and Monte and Taylor are playing. Either Turner or Brittany will be also. And it now sounds like Brittany is playing, so Turner will be the host.

     Gardenman, I think some of us are bumbed out right now, the fun has left us,I haven't watch kyle get eliminated yet ,just feel for him,he wasn't my favorite but that was such a low blow,the interest is gone now,maybe that's why people are not writing right now,thanks for keeping it going I read what you write,all this is my opinion only,Tucka..


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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman, I second what Tucka said.  I do keep reading your posts each day, and I am in full appreciation for you keeping us updated, though the "thrill is gone" for some of us.  I liked the way it was 4 against 4 there for a few days, and I was so in hope that Turner, Terrance, Kyle and Alyssa could somehow stay in control. I liked them better than the other 4. But it wasn't to be.  But life goes on, and again I thank you for the updates and the time you spend in filling us in.  


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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]



I third my thanks with @tucka  and @123SuzyQ123  I read your posts but honestly am disgusted with the way the whole thing went down.  I think he was musing out loud based on last year but that was it.  He was truly naive, I doubt he knew 10 POC. He was in over his head in the game and his thought process was childlike IMO


Michael and Brittany blew the whole thing out of proportion  and waited (2 weeks I think) before using it to destroy Kyle.  At least Monte called him out on that. Brittany is ruthless and Michael is a snake. I think if he is in the final 2 he will lose.


Production kept it going unnessaeily IMO again for drama and ratings. It just kept going and going and building. we saw Kyle being destroyed live.  House meeting on air, enough already. (hit post to soon)


I have lost all interest in the game and digusted with production.  They are minipulative and all should be fired. I really don't know if I'll ever watch again.  

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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman you have the best recaps. Simple, to the point and entertaining. I am just not watching at this point. Michael, Brittany and production are just wrong. The Cookout was wrong last year but they didn't target a specific person and ruined their reputation. This Kyle situation where no intent what so ever of racism might be game play but will have real outside consequences in deplorable. I give Monte a lot of credit for now at least questioning the timing of this big reveal. As long as M & B don't win I don't care who wins now.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yeah, it should be a fun show to watch, but CBS makes it into more of a chore at times. This year is very one-sided with Michael being dominant. I like the back-and-forth, who will win this week, who's at risk, but there really isn't much suspense left. If Michael's in a comp he'll win it.


Part of the problem is people are absurdly sensitive these days. They made it sound like Taylor was being tortured more than any human being had ever been tortured and for no reason. Clearly, they've never seen earlier seasons of Big Brother. Did people bow before her and tell her she was great? No. They aren't supposed to.


This season was all about microaggressions. There were very few fights, little to no shouting, just micro-aggressions that are somehow worse than the stuff we've seen in the recent past. 


Questioning if there might be a new Cookout, after just having one last year, made Kyle into a KKK member with a white hood chasing minorities through the house with a burning torch and pitchfork by some accounts. Uh, no. It made him sane. With where the house stood at the time and what he'd heard and been told it made perfect sense to wonder if a new Cookout had formed. Even Monte agreed that given what Kyle knew it wasn't unusual.  


I think we need to revamp the game in some ways. Make new comps that fans of the show can't practice for. Try to avoid people who come in with pre-established fanbases all ready to attack anyone who doesn't bow before their hero. Cast nobodies. Make the show fun again. End the social messaging and just let the show be the show. You should be able to vote out whoever you want to without having to worry about their race, gender, or anything else. We've had houseguests this year talk of not being able to put up certain people because of how it would look. No. If they deserve to be on the block, put them on the block.


And if you're going to have live feeds, have the live feeds. The blackouts for hours on end just kill any interest. Turn them on at the start and leave them on until the end. We find out everything anyway, so why block it? 


They're killing their own show and it's stupid. The good news is we just have four weeks left.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 09/03/2022 Big Brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

My heart was breaking for Kyle. I was angry with him because of how he treated Joseph. But I do not believe he is racist. Not one bit. Now he will take it to heart that he was racist. They all sit around and judge him. God bless him. And this woke society today anything you do you can be deemed racist. Very scary.