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08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

In a shocking twist that no one saw coming, the house hasn't flipped in the last 24 hours and the plan is still to evict Blue this week. Who knew the house could make a decision and stick with it for a whole 24 hours?


Yesterday saw Mecole/Meme's dinner extravaganza take place for her and three invited guests. She invited Cirie, Felicia, and America. She invited Cirie and Felicia because she wanted to live and America because America hung in the longest in the comp and got nothing. All three dressed up for the event which took place in the luxurious backyard, and they were all happy. 


Jared and Blue continue intermingling and soiling whatever surfaces they intermingle on, but Jared is very good at cleaning up behind them. (When the houseguests see what took place on the upstairs lounge cushions that they all lounge on, they may want a shower or two.) Jared knows Blue is the target and may be trying to force a pre-eviction breakup by telling Blue he wants her to see other people when they leave the house. Blue's not good on picking up on the clues though and is talking with Felicia, who she thinks is Jared's mom, about family names and grandparents' names so she knows how to name her and Jared's children. Jared meanwhile continues to shout out his pre-show girlfriend's name when he votes, and he wanted to shout out to her for her birthday. (He's not an especially good catch. In fact, he's a real jerk. Word is his girlfriend on the outside is now his former girlfriend on the outside.)


America has finally worn down Cory and they've now moved more into the showmance stage of their relationship. No kissing or other sexual contact just yet, but she's getting there with him. America is a very flirty flirt, and it was just a question of time until Cory yielded to her. He held out longer than most men would, but America is a hard girl to resist. 


Cirie's current group wants to blindside Cory and America with the vote for some reason. The theory being that this will turn Jag against Cory and America and more to Cirie and her closest people in case Jag wins HOH. Jag however wants to tell Cory and America the vote just before the vote, so they're not blindsided. Whether they're told or not, Jag knows they aren't voting him out from malice and will still be likely to work with them. If you want Jag to turn against Cory and America, telling him you're not telling them the vote so they'll think they're voting with the house, kind of destroys the whole "this will turn Jag against them" goal. As strategic thinkers go, this group isn't the best.


The voting for America's Choice ends at noon today. I would anticipate the houseguests being told the outcome after the POV meeting. The four selected (my best guess is America, Cory, Matt, and Cirie based on popularity polling, but with the TV audience involved it could be anyone) will then compete to see who gets the prize. They need to complete that well before Thursday's show, so they have time to edit the package together. They could have the comp live on Thursday, but that would be tricky. The power has to be used on the 31st of August or September 7th, so they pretty much have to do the comp before the 31st (this Thursday.)


With production counting the votes, assuming they count the votes at all which may be assuming a lot, we could see them make Blue and Jared two of the winners to add some spice to the show. Will Jared save Blue with his power? (Jared is at the very bottom of nearly every popularity poll, so his winning would be a major upset.) Will Blue save herself? They'd love for this twist to have some impact.


And speaking of the POV meeting, that takes place later today. Red is expected not to use the POV, so the nominations will stay Jag and Blue, with Blue Cirie's current target. Though that could still flip a few times before Thursday.


When the house hears who won America's Choice, it will send a few shockwaves through the house as those who didn't win try to figure out why America (the country not the houseguest) hates them. Izzy is especially prone to coming apart if she's not one of the four. (And it would be a huge upset if she was.) They'll also be confused why those who won were selected. "He/she/they've done nothing the whole game! Why would America (the country not the houseguest) want them to win? Maybe it's really a punishment and America (the country not the houseguest) hates them? Yeah, that's probably it!" Yeah.


Whoever wins will likely be told to lie and pretend they didn't win. So, expect all four of the players to emerge claiming they lost. It will likely be an individual comp and they'll only find out the results in the DR when they're given an envelope telling them if they won or not and the rules for using the prize. Paranoia among those not selected to compete will be running higher than normal. "What did they win? What are they going to do with it? Why is everyone lying about it?" These things tend to rile up the house and this house is pretty riled up all the time anyway. Expect Izzy to go especially insane over it all. Cirie won't like having something not under her control if she doesn't win it. She really wants to be in control all the time. It should be interesting to see how this all plays out. 


I don't expect the prize to alter things a lot. The people most likely going on the block in the very near future (Red, Cameron, Izzy, Jared, and Bowie) probably won't play in the comp and I don't see any of them being viewed as valuable enough to use the prize on. Maybe Cirie would save Izzy, but I'm not sure anyone wants Izzy in the jury house. I don't see anyone using it on Blue or Jag. (If they know Jag is safe this week anyway.)


I'll post back later after the POV, but I don't expect it to be used to save either Blue or Jag. One of them is gone this week. Most likely Blue. Jag could be one of the four chosen to compete. He's not unpopular. Would he use the power knowing he's safe anyway? Assuming he's safe anyway. It should be an interesting week to see how the power shakes things up.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Very dissappointed in Camerons HOH.  His speach to America was that he would make a real move and instead he didn't.  Once again a HOH claims they will make a move and completely waste the opportunity.  UGH.  This is why is stop watching half way through the seasons.  I guess no one learned anything from watching Cirie on Survivor.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The only houseguest to EVER make a big move was Felicia last week.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As expected, the POV wasn't used. And our streak of no flipping has ended as Cirie is back wanting Jag out again.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

As expected, the POV wasn't used. And our streak of no flipping has ended as Cirie is back wanting Jag out again.

I'm kinda disappointed since Red wanted to get Izzy out once Cameron has announced to Red who his nominations were going to be and from the way Izzy had been talking about Cameron that day.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Felicia has a new best friend in Blue. Felicia has no clue that Blue thinks she's Jared's mom. Blue has spent half the day hanging with Felicia, her supposed future mother in law.

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman  Too funny "hanging with her supposed future mother in law"!!

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

If Blue does get voted out this week her interview with Julie will be funny. "One of your former houseguests was playing with a relative." "I know Julie!" "It's Jared and Cirie." "Wait? What? Cirie? Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "But, but, but, Felicia..."

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Re: 08/28/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

What a wasted week IMHO.  Waste of HOH and waste of POV.  Hope Blue goes and not jag but with these nut jobs who knows (or cares) what they do.  And I include production as nut jobs, not to be trusted.