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08/09/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The stress of being the first HOH is taking a toll on Reilly who's on the verge of breaking down. Cameron is feeding her paranoia a bit more than you'd like a supposed ally to do. Cirie has talked to Reilly to calm her down a bit.


Kirsten made some effort to rally support, but she still looks like the first evictee by a unanimous vote. I don't even see her getting a sympathy vote at this point.


Luke used the "N" word while talking with Jared, Cory, and Hisam. Not smart on his part. It didn't seem to bother Jared but Cory and Hisam both looked shocked. Luke quickly realized he'd messed up and tried to cover, but the feed watchers saw and heard. The DR will have a chat with Luke about that.


Hisam doesn't want a "kid" to win. He wants one of himself, Cirie, or Felicia to win. I would say all three were the longest of longshots to win. I could see Felicia or Cirie being taken to the end as someone easier to beat at the end, but I doubt that either could do enough along the way to justify getting the win.


We have a show tonight! On tonight's show, we'll see the aftermath of the noms, the POV comp, and the POV ceremony. Then on to tomorrow night's live eviction. Kirsten should be the one going, but how far and for how long? There will be battle backs this year due to the length of the season. Will Kirsten be one of those chosen to battle back or will they wait until later in the season? We'll find out if Kirsten returns to social media after getting the boot.

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Posts: 25,009
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 08/09/2023 Big Brother 25 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And as quick as that, Luke is gone! CBS is taking stern action this year.  They're telling the houseguests now. Probably no HOH comp tomorrow as the yard is still open. Even for a Q&A comp they close the yard on Wednesdays. We'll have to see what happens. Maybe an off site comp after the show tomorrow? Will Kirsten now stay with Luke ejected? We don't know 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!