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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️


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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

@eddyandme wrote:



Wish they'd send Lola and Theo to Paris - permanently!  (Now we've gotta find some place to send Mariah - can't take much more of that character!)

@eddyandme  I agree. I thought Theo might have some potential, but the character just continues to flounder, as far as I'm concerned, and the same with Lola... I don't care what they do with Mariah. I've never really liked her character... None of them are particularly interesting, appealing or likable and none of them are edgy enough to bring anything compelling to the show. I'd like to see them streamline this cast and really do some solid work on the characters, giving them good stories, but it's pretty clear, it's beyond the scope of those running this show. They're just not up to it.

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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

@SharkE wrote:

Missed all those people . We eat at that time and I'm running back and forth from table to stove waiting on his Royal highness.

@SharkE  Well girl, I guess you could always turn in the tiara and move to Canada...

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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

ROFLMAO Yep, 'We' all got a hard row to hoe I guess.

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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

Awwwww Kyle and Lola are splitting up........Yay ...........

I want him with Summer she's more his speed now he can buy a big nice house and enjoy his wealth. No more eating chili dogs on the spit. He can get back to living large.


Kick that chick out. Summer is lots prettier and has great body. Let Theo have her. LOL Theo's car salesman suit was a joke today. Bet he gets the can at work, also. I'd show him who had the whip hand and now Lola can support him since she don't work either. LOL



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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

Well......didn't care for the Victor lying to Victoria about Billy and Amanda's hookups.....just seemed a stupid thing to put in the middle of that ridculous storyline..........was't necessary..........


Secondly obviously they are dragging the whole Sharon illness out.......her having the fear of losing her hair...which isn't always the that is why i don't believe they are doing this storyline as a community message as they may claim...............also the installation of a port is not something that is always necessary.........which was on the show the other day......

they are just doing it for the dramatics of the show and not for enlightenment or entertainment. If it was for a community message i think they could have done Sharon's  scare, doc appt , biopsy (and have that negative instead of having weeks of this sad storyline)

to show what a woman might go through with a breast cancer scare. and Kyle...that love match lasted long!! Really..........did they ever hear of "trying" or "counseling" or trying to save a marriage.............


And it looks like Mariah will cheat with the new Bartender at Society i am thinking that is the way that is headed........


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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

I'm beginning to think the whole show might be trying to appeal

to another type of audience. Mariah, is trying to take over all the love

aspects with her lifestyle.

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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

Well, girls , our show should be back on track now !

Hallelujah  !



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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

Summary for Thursday, February 6th from

At Crimson Lights, Nate upbraids Billy for putting Amanda in the line of fire with Victoria – she deserves better. Billy complains someone lied to Victoria. He wants to call Amanda, but Nate urges him to leave her alone. Billy states it’s none of his business. Nate warns him not to drag her down with him.

In Amanda’s suite, Ripley wants to forget everything that happened in Madison for a few minutes to talk. Amanda threatens to call the cops. Ripley pleads for 10 minutes and recalls how in love they once were. Amanda hisses that he’s stalking her! He feels they have unfinished business, but Amanda’s been done with him for a long time. Ripley gets her to admit their early days were special and explains he’s taken anger management classes and therapy. Amanda asks what he’s hoping for as Billy knocks. Amanda quickly opens the door. She tells Ripley to get out and Billy backs her up. Once Ripley’s gone, a distressed Amanda tells Billy that was her ex and he holds her. Amanda explains Ripley’s a charmer, but describes how he took control of her life. When she broke it off, he began relentlessly stalking her. Billy’s supportive and suggests she have him arrested. Later, Rey’s there and assures Amanda they’ll get Ripley. Once he leaves, Billy encourages Amanda to get some rest – he’ll keep one eye on her and one on the door. He sits in a chair as she sleeps.

Outside Society, Jack spots Lola leaning on Theo’s shoulder. Inside, Lola decides to head home to her empty apartment. She declines Theo’s offer of a ride, but will call if she needs him. After, Jack confronts Theo. “What the hell are you doing?” Theo explains Lola was upset – Jack should to talk to Kyle about it. Jack suspects Theo was taking advantage, but Theo asks what he was supposed to do; she needed a friend. Jack looks at Theo and sees himself thirty years ago. He warns him to be careful. Jack feels a connection to Theo and wants this to work out for him. Once alone, Jack leaves Kyle a message to call him – he doesn’t want him to make any mistakes he can’t undo.


At Grand Phoenix, Kyle explains to Summer that he’s getting a divorce. Summer learns he and Lola both knew the truth – they don’t belong together because there’s someone else he’s never gotten over. She feels kissing him probably didn’t help things, but Kyle insists Lola knew he wasn’t over her. Kyle goes up to a suite. Someone knocks. “Room service!” It’s Summer, who’s brought him a few things. She admits she hoped his marriage would break up and doesn’t want to apologize for wanting him. Kyle marvels she’s been in his heart all this time. He stops her from leaving to thank her. They start kissing and undressing as they fall onto the bed to make love.


At Crimson Lights patio, Mariah finds Lola alone. She explains Kyle’s at the Grand Phoenix and they’re done. Mariah assures her she’s not alone and will go upstairs with her.


In Lola’s apartment, Mariah wants to blame Summer, but Lola thinks Kyle really loves her. Mariah thought Kyle and Lola were meant to be. Lola thinks they wanted to believe it too. She refuses to love someone who can’t love her back 100%, as her mom did. Mariah will help pack Kyle’s stuff. After, Mariah tells Lola she can’t ever be with Theo – he can’t be trusted. Lola sees his faults but he’s more than his worst qualities. Mariah thinks he’s using her to get to Kyle. Lola enlightens her that Summer and Kyle kissed. Mariah sighs but maintains Theo’s bad. Lola kind of likes it. They laugh as Mariah says she’s doomed. Lola misses Kyle but isn’t sure if she actually misses him or what they could have been.


At Jabot, Theo looks at a photo of Kyle and Lola.


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Cassie pays Sharon a visit.

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Re: ❤️❤️ Y&R FEBRUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS ❤️❤️

About Kyle and Lola... I think the writers would have eventually broken them up anyway but I also think it finally occurred to them that all the efforts to paint them as a young adoring couple whose break-up would devastate the audience just weren't working. The audience wasn't buying it and wasn't committed in any way to this couple. 

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