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OH, my gosh! the pop ups have really gotten annoying! They are interfering with my shopping! I've been trying to read some descriptions and Q2 live keeps popping up. If this is a sales tactic, i bet it's failing. Enough!

Esteemed Contributor
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@10sluvr - If you use the Chrome browser, try adding the free "AdBlock" extension (just search for it online and click to quickly install). It is very simple, very effective, and does not interfere with standard browsing online like some other blockers. I had been using a different blocker up until this month and it didn't always block the pop-ups on this site, but ever since I started using AdBlock, I haven't seen a single pop-up.


And if you use a different browser, AdBlock could be available to install as well; I just don't have experience with that so I can't provide any helpful details.  Smiley Wink

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I use Edge and have Adguard.


Very few if any popups.


However, it doesn't bother me in the least since I understand it is a sales tactic that MANY sites use.


It's part of the Ad game and it isn't going to stop.  I am sure there is research that claims that sales ARE made this way.


It's part of the online world we live in.


Takes a nano sec to click it off.

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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-26-2011

I agree, the popups are so annoying. The hosts say the lines are busy so go to web. You can't shop because of the watch live streaming pop ups. If you delete once that should be enough but every few seconds it pops back up. I am about to give up and start using HSN or start using Amazon or some other platform. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


I use Safari. My Mac has a setting to stop most popups. 

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 94
Registered: ‎11-20-2012

I want to add my frustration along with yours concerning the popups...I've literally stopped shopping as they keep appearing constantly. It's either the "going going gone" ridiculousness or if I've previously searched an item or a topic, the popup is relentless. 

I get to the point where I can't be bothered to shop anymore and I can't imagine any QVC customer is ok with them.  I hope QVC will reconsider and value our input on this subject.