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Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Maybe they should stop giving too many hosts vacation at the same time. These vender shows are boring, theyare not TV personalities they are venders! Why is it HSN can use one host at a time and have very enjoyable shows...Pay attention Q, your 2 hosts shows are annoying loud and crazy. Listen to all the comments from your customers, no wonder we all change the channel constantly and don't watch like we used to.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

[ Edited ]



I don't like the vendor only shows either.  It makes the product difficult to see whenever everything is being done remote.

If they are going to only use a vendor rep, I think they should at least be in studio.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

[ Edited ]

I don't watch Q2, barely watch Q1!!! 


Having 2 hosts plus a vendor for a show is stupid.  HSN does very well with 1 host, which is one of the many reasons I prefer HSN to QVC.  ShopHQ also only uses 1 host.  


QVC should cut expenses rather than continually raising prices.



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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

some like it


some dont like it


people like diffferent things


it's not logical to expect to like everything


find what you like and enjoy!

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Because that's the style Q wants it to be. Another way to get products in front of viewers with out paying a host.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Agreed! OMG - talk about boring. It feels like the vendor is talking to no one. I wonder if they feel weird about it. 

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

i do not mind the vendor shows and in fact enjoy them more than some of the hosts.  I do not care for the double host shows at all.  In my opinion the vendors know about the product they sell, they represent the companies on the Q.  I don't want to be entertained on a shopping channel, just informed about the product being sold so I can decide what to buy based on my likes and what I can afford.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

I think the vendor only shows are brilliant. A viewer actually gets to hear about the product.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

Some of the vendors are really great at explaining their product but others seem to go overboard with themself and think they are a star. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. I love the way HSN handles them, I try not to miss Curtis Stone when he has his shows, he does a terrific job.

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Re: Why must the vender do their own shows on Q2

I’m not a fan of the vendor only shows.
I feel like they’re in a “ vacuum “, speaking to no one.
Many times they don’t have a model and I can’t see how the shoe or outfit looks on a person.
I find them boring.