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Registered: ‎09-11-2010

We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

    The Logo brand is exquisite but expensive. Buying one item should be enough. But Amy, as host, thinks that 2 or 3 purchases per featured garment is what you should do, spending 300 dollars instead of 60 or 70 dollars. She will bring 2 or 3 items together and insist on how much better all 3 would be to purchase. Well, no.It is oppressive and annoying to be manipulated in that fashion. Calm down!

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

It's a sales tactic.  That's what she's there to do, sell.  The more sales during her time selling, the better it is for her sales data, aka her job.  I just laugh it off and say "Yeah, right, that ain't happening".  But, if a tee is $60-$70, I'm not buying the first one.  

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

Of course, she'd suggest that.  She's paid to suggest that customers buy more.


It doesn't mean you have to pay any attention to it.  Just buy what you want and leave the rest behind.


I never feel I'm being manipulated or oppressed by any of the vendors or their spiels.  I have a mind of my own.

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

@Slopester.  Amy is a salesperson just doing her job.  Surely you don't take everything said by hosts so seriously?

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

I buy what I like and can afford.  I am never influenced by any of the hosts.  I ignore their sales pitches, I know it is their job and my job is to buy only what I want to buy.

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

She's a sales person. Thats her job. If I had a nickel for every time a host encouraged. people to buy multiples..... 

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

I agree that OP shouldn't take the hosts' spiel so seriously. 

I admit though, that I used to feel bad I didn't have a "gift closet".

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

@KKJ - Don't feel bad.  I do have a gift closet, but I've run out of people to gift the things to!  Woman Very Happy

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

But people like Mary Beth will acknowledge that multiples might be pushing the budget.   I call it sales with a human touch, which I think people appreciate.  

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.


@Slopester wrote:

    The Logo brand is exquisite but expensive. Buying one item should be enough. But Amy, as host, thinks that 2 or 3 purchases per featured garment is what you should do, spending 300 dollars instead of 60 or 70 dollars. She will bring 2 or 3 items together and insist on how much better all 3 would be to purchase. Well, no.It is oppressive and annoying to be manipulated in that fashion. Calm down!

Oppressive?  Hardly.  Not seeing how you're being manipulated either.  There are plenty of clothing or shoe stores out there that still have commissioned salespeople whose jobs are to put outfits together &/or upsell items that go with an item one is interested in.  Same exact thing and not oppressive or manipulative.