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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

As others have said these are salespeople and they get paid to sell, sell, sell !  I was watching the TSV presentation this morning when Kerstin pushed buying it RIGHT NOW ! because it was GOING FAST !!  I just laughed, I buy what I want and not double because they insist. 

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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

NOBODY tells ME "what to buy".  Amen.    

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: We Can Buy One Tee Shirt, Amy.

@KKJ wrote:

I agree that OP shouldn't take the hosts' spiel so seriously. 

I admit though, that I used to feel bad I didn't have a "gift closet".

@KKJ That was very funny!   (LOL)