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The voices of some of the female brand representatives are so high-pitched, squeaky and nasal, that l just can't listen to them. It forces me to change the channel before l even watch the presentation. I'm sure that very many other viewers feel this way as well. This results in lost sales for QVC.


Please hire brand reps. with pleasant, professional speaking voices that are suitable for television. It will increase your sales.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

@handygal2 I am in total agreement. I just change the channel. Woman Frustrated


I would think voice screening would be part of the training to go on air but maybe not.

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

In life there are more people with nasal, high pitched squeaky and otherwise bothersome voices than those whose voices are nice sounding.  If vendors and brand reps or hosts have a voice anyone can't stand I often wonder how those people get through a day.

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

@Pook wrote:

In life there are more people with nasal, high pitched squeaky and otherwise bothersome voices than those whose voices are nice sounding.  If vendors and brand reps or hosts have a voice anyone can't stand I often wonder how those people get through a day.

Lol, true Woman LOL such sensitivities Woman Surprised  it's obvious these 'repeat' vendors that are on often are selling extremely well despite some of the complaints. Many shoppers purchase online without watching the shows all day/night

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

@Pook wrote:

In life there are more people with nasal, high pitched squeaky and otherwise bothersome voices than those whose voices are nice sounding.  If vendors and brand reps or hosts have a voice anyone can't stand I often wonder how those people get through a day.

@Pook: Many people have unpleasant speaking voices, and it's not their fault-- and l don't mind listening to them in day-to-day life. But my point was that they're not suitable to be in the television broadcasting field, IMO.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

Some - women primarily - don't use their REAL every day voice.  They are tense being on TV and not aware the mic they are wearing doesn't required them to project their voice.  But agree that some voices aren't even good for radio!

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.


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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

I don't watch that often but when I tuned in I heard one of the vendors speak... she really turned me off.  Might have been one of the clothing people and it may have been her line. Her voice had a pattern and pitch that I found annoying while her clothing was very nice and to my liking.  About 6 months after that I happened to hear her again.  Seemed she had voice lessons.  Something changed.  Wonder if someone said something.  

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

I wear hearing aids and have an issue with high pitched women's voices.


I have no alternative than to mute the sound.

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Re: Voices of Some Brand Reps.

Some hosts need voice lessons.  Management should not hire people to put ON-AIR if they do not have good speaking voices.  One host in particular has a voice that could peel paint off a wall.  Before you (some of you) jump in, YES I do turn the TV off or at least switch with my remote to a diffferent channel when she is on.  Oh, I do not purchase anything when she is on.