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Travel Forum Request

[ Edited ]

@Beth-QVC Hi, Beth! I know as moderator you once told me you have no control over the start of a forum, but in the past you have been willing to forward my request to the proper department. I am wondering if you could do that again, as the wish for a travel forum is becoming increasingly necessary in order to keep the existing thread called Travel Chat in the Among Friends forum from becoming too long and time consuming for readers/posters who want to talk about specific areas of travel.


There have been increasing requests for a Travel Forum from the posters of that thread, basically because there are around 500 posts, and people wanting to find any information specific to their interests find it cumbersome to see if something has already been written about the need/concern they have.


Posters, such as @BExplorer, have made the fine suggestion that the Travel Forum could have various threads breaking down areas of interest for the readers. For instance, there could be a thread about cruises, which is now being discussed by someone whose husband and mother-in-law are now on a European cruise. It would be easier for anyone interested in a similar trip to just go to a thread specific to cruises.


We could also have a thread for family vacations, camping, hiking, island vacations, trips to specific states, etc. We recently had someone want to know about Sedona, Arizona. Luckily, when she posted on our thread someone responded. But it would have been easier if she could have just gone to a thread about vacations in various states than to have to weed through all the current posts hoping to find what she wanted.


We've talked about having a thread on travel tips, as many people have great suggestions on making life easier when you travel. Experiences are shared and we each learn from the other.


We would respectively request that the addition of a Travel Forum be seriously considered in order to keep this forum-friendly topic current and viable for all who have an interest. 


We encourage any and all to check out our thread and give your suggestions for trips or just to relate experiences you have had while traveling. You do not have to have traveled to far away places; a weekend trip to your favorite spot may very well be the exact place someone has been looking for!


We endeavor to avoid topics that have nothing to do with travel. But we talk about great QVC purchases to enhance the trips, such as the Lug travel bag. We discuss the latest TSA regulations and have had great ideas on how to breeze thru customs if you are going out of the country.


Thanks, @Beth-QVC. on any help or suggestions you can give us in this endeavor. Heart


@lulu2@JudyL @BigSister @ZoetheCat  @British Grl @Rachb @esmeesmerelda@Tinkrbl44 @Stray  @gacat123  @DukeBlueNan  @gmkb @SilleeMee  @Moonchilde @Vivian @qualitygal @JustJazzmom @Mz iMac


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Re: Travel Forum Request

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I agree with everything @World Traveler has stated.  There is quite a bit of traffic on her travel thread and it would be incredibly helpful to be able to categorize the many different topics within it via its own forum. The size of the current thread is getting quite large and its posts contain many different subcategories within the travel category.   


Thank you you for your consideration!  Smiley Happy


ETA:  @gacat123 I thought you might want to add your travel forum thoughts over here as well. 😊

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There is a watch collectors thread in the jewelry forum that has been going on for years and years.  Every month one of the participants starts a new thread and the old ones fade into the background but are still accessible.   We've got other threads that are pages and pages long that have been around a long time.

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Travel is a really big deal!  People buy a  LOT  of travel items and accesories on QVC!  


I think a Travel Forum could be financially beneficial to QVC allowing folks to share information. Recently there was a discussion about luggage on the  Among Friends Travel Chat thread but the information is not easy to locate for folks who don't know about it. 


I was lucky to bump into Among Friends/Travel Chat and hope we will soon have a Travel Forum so the QVC Community can easily access travel suggestions.   


Keep Calm and Travel On, 


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@World Traveler

Thanks for taking the time to request what is clearly a well thought rationale for a travel forum. I will forward this to Keyai and Eva to start with for consideration. Thanks again!

Beth QVC

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Re: Travel Forum Request

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I too would love a travel forum. 


Newbies would have no way of knowing what has been discussed unless they read through the entire thread. 


It would be wonderful to have separate threads for travel tips, as well separate threads for different areas of the country or world would make it so much easier to access information.


There is a thread in another forum about plane travel that would fit right in. 


There have been numerous TSA threads elsewhere.


There was a lengthy thread about summer vacations as well as one on dream vacations.


Then there's the thread about solo travel to Vegas.


There are forums that get next to no traffic. This would not be true if we had a Travel Forum.



Please, please, please.

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GOOD (GREAT) Answer!     





Keep Calm and Travel On, 



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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

@Beth-QVC Thanks so much! We appreciate your efforts on our behalf. Heart

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: Travel Forum Request

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@lulu2 You are so right when you say the new people would have no way of knowing of things discussed on our Travel Chat thread, nor would they want to take the time to go thru the rather long thread to find their answers.


I too saw the nice thread on Las Vegas questions for solo travelers and just knew that many on our thread would have also had some great replies to that poster.


I saw a great thread started by @patbz on passport renewal, and thought what a wonderful idea for a thread in the Travel Forum! She received some great information from you @Desertdi @cancun08@Annabellethecat66 @The Monkey on My Back @itsmagic@jbinrwc  @jpie and @Suziepeach that would have been helpful to a lot of people on our chat thread.



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Thank you @World Traveler for your request for a Travel forum category.  I agree that a separate category for Travel is sorely needed.   I've noticed several travel related threads started in various other forum categories and it would be helpful to have them in one spot for future reference.